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Working with git

Julia Joch edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

This page is no longer relevant as we are now able to use the Git Browser in Sqeak, which you should have gotten an introduction to already. We are still leaving this page here for documentation reasons.

Working with git

Squeak does not support git natively, but we can use filetree to save the Smalltalk source code on our filesystem. From there we can use git in the manner of regular files.

Clone a repository

  1. Clone the repository like a normal repository
  2. Open the Squeak Image
  3. Open the Monticello Browser
  4. Click on "+Repository"
  5. Select "filetree://"
  6. Select the "package" directory inside the cloned repository
  7. Load the changes from the new repository

Push to the repository

  1. Commit your changes in Squeak to the filtree-repository
  2. Commit all files changed through the filetree-commit in git
  3. Push your changes with git