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html committed Jul 28, 2012
0 parents commit 8bd4f1c
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Showing 4 changed files with 323 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions README
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
This is a snapshot branch for users who wish to fetch the Fluid
backend separately from CLSQL. It does not include unit tests.

If you are interested in hacking this, please branch from Git branch
`fluid-pools' in git:// . See more
information about this branch at;h=refs/heads/fluid-pools

Please do not submit Darcs patches.
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions clsql-fluid.asd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
;;;; *************************************************************************
;;;; Name: clsql-fluid.asd
;;;; Purpose: System definition for CLSQL-FLUID
;;;; Authors: Stephen Compall
;;;; Created: December 2008
;;;; $Id$
;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
;;;; (, also known as the LLGPL.
;;;; *************************************************************************

(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:clsql-fluid-system (:use #:asdf #:cl))
(in-package #:clsql-fluid-system)

(defsystem clsql-fluid
:name "CLSQL-Fluid"
:author "Stephen Compall <[email protected]>"
:maintainer "Kevin M. Rosenberg <[email protected]>"
:licence "Lessor Lisp General Public License"
:description "Common Lisp SQL Fluid Connection Pools"
:long-description "A full database type based on fluids, or
per-thread connections."
:depends-on (clsql closer-mop bordeaux-threads)
((:module sql
((:module base
:pathname ""
((:file "fluid")))))))
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@

absify () {
case "$1" in
/*) echo "$1";;
*) echo "$PWD/$1";;

set -e
# Only one person uses this, so I'm not too worried about paths.
: ${CLSQL:=/home/sirian/lisp/clsql}
: ${CLSQL_FLUID:=$(dirname "$0")}
CLSQL="$(absify "$CLSQL")"
cd "$CLSQL"
git checkout fluid-pools
LOG="$(git log -1 --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit)"
cp -af "$CLSQL/clsql-fluid.asd" .
cp -af "$CLSQL/sql/fluid.lisp" sql/
cat <<EOF >> sql/fluid.lisp
(export 'fluid-database)
(import 'fluid-database '#:clsql)
(export 'fluid-database '#:clsql)
darcs record -m"Snapshot at $LOG"
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions sql/fluid.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
;;;; *************************************************************************
;;;; Name: fluid.lisp
;;;; Purpose: The fluid-database database type and methods
;;;; $Id$
;;;; This file, part of CLSQL, is Copyright (c) 2008 by Stephen Compall
;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
;;;; (, also known as the LLGPL.
;;;; *************************************************************************

(in-package #:clsql-sys)

;;; Fluids based on Bordeaux-Threads (upstream...)

(defpackage #:clsql-fluid-bt
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:make-fluid #:fluid-lock #:fluid-value)
(:import-from #:bordeaux-threads #:make-lock #:current-thread
#:thread-alive-p #:with-lock-held)
(:documentation "Fluids implemented around Bordeaux-Threads."))

(in-package #:clsql-fluid-bt)

(defstruct fluid
"A container for a different value in each thread. Values are not
(lock (make-lock))
(table (make-hash-table :test #'eql) :type hash-table :read-only t)
(gc-function #'identity :type (or symbol cons function) :read-only t)
(gc-count 0 :type (and (integer 0) fixnum))
(gc-frequency 30 :type (and (integer 1) fixnum) :read-only t))

(defun fluid-value (fluid &optional (thread (current-thread)))
"Answer two values: the value of FLUID for THREAD, and whether a
value is present."
(let ((table (fluid-table fluid)))
(with-lock-held ((fluid-lock fluid))
(gethash thread table))))

(defun fluid-gc (fluid)
"Clean up FLUID. *Assume it is locked in this thread.*"
(let (to-gc (table (fluid-table fluid)) (gcer (fluid-gc-function fluid)))
(maphash (lambda (thread v)
(unless (thread-alive-p thread)
(push thread to-gc)
(funcall gcer v)))
(dolist (thread to-gc)
(remhash thread table)))
(setf (fluid-gc-count fluid) 0))

(defun (setf fluid-value) (new-value fluid &optional (thread (current-thread)))
"Alter the value of FLUID for THREAD to NEW-VALUE, answering
(with-lock-held ((fluid-lock fluid))
(setf (gethash thread (fluid-table fluid)) new-value)
(when (>= (incf (fluid-gc-count fluid))
(fluid-gc-frequency fluid))
(fluid-gc fluid)))

(in-package #:clsql-sys)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(import '(clsql-fluid-bt:make-fluid clsql-fluid-bt:fluid-value)))

;;; Slot forwarding

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(unless (boundp '+sub-db-forwarded-slots+)
(defconstant +sub-db-forwarded-slots+
'(name state autocommit transaction transaction-level

;; Lispworks requires these to be ready when compiling.
(eval-when (#+lispworks :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defclass sub-db-forwarding-class (standard-class)
(:documentation "Forward some slots to an underlying database."))

(defmethod c2mop:validate-superclass ((class sub-db-forwarding-class) superclass)
"Allow standard-class, c2mop:standard-class, and myself."
(and (eql (class-of class) (find-class 'sub-db-forwarding-class))
(loop with scc = (class-of superclass)
for ccname in '(standard-class c2mop::standard-class
thereis (eql scc (find-class ccname))))))

(defmethod c2mop:slot-value-using-class
((class sub-db-forwarding-class) inst slot-def)
(let ((slotdname (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot-def)))
(if (and (find slotdname +sub-db-forwarded-slots+)
(slot-boundp inst 'sub-pool))
(slot-value (fluid-sub-database inst) slotdname)

(defmethod (setf c2mop:slot-value-using-class)
(new-value (class sub-db-forwarding-class) inst slot-def)
(let ((slotdname (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot-def)))
(if (and (find slotdname +sub-db-forwarded-slots+)
(slot-boundp inst 'sub-pool))
(setf (slot-value (fluid-sub-database inst) slotdname) new-value)

(defmethod c2mop:slot-boundp-using-class
((class sub-db-forwarding-class) inst slot-def)
(let ((slotdname (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot-def)))
(if (and (find slotdname +sub-db-forwarded-slots+)
(slot-boundp inst 'sub-pool))
(slot-boundp (fluid-sub-database inst) slotdname)

(defmethod c2mop:slot-makunbound-using-class
((class sub-db-forwarding-class) inst slot-def)
(let ((slotdname (c2mop:slot-definition-name slot-def)))
(if (and (find slotdname +sub-db-forwarded-slots+)
(slot-boundp inst 'sub-pool))
(slot-makunbound (fluid-sub-database inst) slotdname)

;;; Sugar for `conn-pool's

(defclass fluid-database (database)
((database-type :initform :fluid)
(fluid :initform (make-fluid-database-fluid) :reader fluid-database-fluid)
(sub-pool :reader sub-pool))
(:metaclass sub-db-forwarding-class)
(:documentation "A special kind of database that allocates from a
pool and forwards database API calls to the thread's backing
database connection."))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after
((fd fluid-database) &key connection-spec database-type &allow-other-keys)
(setf (slot-value fd 'sub-pool)
(find-or-create-connection-pool connection-spec database-type)))

(defun make-fluid-database-fluid ()
(make-fluid :gc-frequency 5 :gc-function #'release-to-pool))

(defun fluid-sub-database (fd)
"Answer the fluid value for `fluid-database'."
(let ((fluid (fluid-database-fluid fd)))
(or (fluid-value fluid)
(setf (fluid-value fluid)
(acquire-from-pool nil nil (sub-pool fd))))))

(defmacro define-fluid-forward (methname meth-arglist)
"Define a method with only required and keyword arguments on
METHNAME for `fluid-database'. METH-ARGLIST should have T in
positions specialized on `fluid-database', and NIL in other places."
(let (argrefs arglist keyrefs
(req-arglist (loop for elt in meth-arglist
until (member elt lambda-list-keywords)
collect elt))
(key-arglist (member '&key meth-arglist)))
(mapc (lambda (fd?)
(let ((gensym (gensym)))
(cond (fd?
(push `(fluid-sub-database ,gensym) argrefs)
(push `(,gensym fluid-database) arglist))
(push gensym argrefs)
(push gensym arglist)))))
(setf keyrefs (mapcan (lambda (kwarg)
(list (intern (symbol-name kwarg) 'keyword) kwarg))
(cdr key-arglist)))
(setf argrefs (nreverse argrefs)
arglist (nreverse arglist))
`(defmethod ,methname (,@arglist ,@key-arglist)
,(etypecase methname
(symbol `(,methname ,@argrefs ,@keyrefs))
((cons (eql setf) (cons symbol null))
`(setf (,(second methname) ,@(cdr argrefs) ,@keyrefs)
,(car argrefs)))))))

(define-fluid-forward database-type (t))
(define-fluid-forward database-query (nil t nil nil))
(define-fluid-forward database-execute-command (nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-query-result-set (nil t &key full-set result-types))
(define-fluid-forward database-dump-result-set (nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-store-next-row (nil t nil))
(define-fluid-forward database-truncate (t))
(define-fluid-forward database-create-sequence (nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-drop-sequence (nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-sequence-next (nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-list-sequences (t &key owner))
(define-fluid-forward database-set-sequence-position (nil nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-sequence-last (nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-start-transaction (t))
(define-fluid-forward database-commit-transaction (t))
(define-fluid-forward database-abort-transaction (t))
(define-fluid-forward database-list-tables (t &key owner))
(define-fluid-forward database-list-tables-and-sequences (t &key owner))
(define-fluid-forward database-list-views (t &key owner))
(define-fluid-forward database-list-indexes (t &key owner))
(define-fluid-forward database-list-table-indexes (nil t &key owner))
(define-fluid-forward database-list-attributes (nil t &key owner))
(define-fluid-forward database-attribute-type (nil nil t &key owner))
(define-fluid-forward database-add-attribute (nil nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-rename-attribute (nil nil nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-underlying-type (t))
(define-fluid-forward database-create-large-object (t))
(define-fluid-forward database-write-large-object (nil nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-read-large-object (nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-delete-large-object (nil t))
(define-fluid-forward database-prepare (nil nil t nil nil))

;;; Functions requiring special attention

(defmethod database-type-library-loaded ((db-type (eql :fluid)))

(defmethod database-type-load-foreign ((db-type (eql :fluid)))

(defmethod database-initialize-database-type ((db-type (eql :fluid)))

(defmethod database-disconnect ((db fluid-database))
(setf (slot-value db 'fluid) (make-fluid-database-fluid))
(clear-conn-pool (sub-pool db)))

(defmethod database-reconnect ((db fluid-database))
(loop for subdb across (all-connections (sub-pool db))
do (database-reconnect subdb)))

;; Things I don't think are needed, even though they have a db-type or
;; database parameter:
;; * database-name-from-spec
;; * database-connect
;; * database-create
;; * database-destroy
;; * database-probe
;; * database-list
;; * oid
;; * db-type-*, specifically because of underlying-type
;; If a DB interface function with a db-type or database parameter is
;; not mentioned above, it is a bug.
(export 'fluid-database)
(import 'fluid-database '#:clsql)
(export 'fluid-database '#:clsql)

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