This is my personal linux config.
Mainly for windows WSL2 ubuntu-20.04/22.04 and neovim as editor.
Including config:
WSL Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 basic envrionment install script.
- ~/.bashrc modified to add my idiomatic alias and WSL proxy alias as setss.
- Change download source for Chinese users.
- Mkdir root directory folder :
- project、install、download、bin、.config
- Bat to replace cat.
- ncdu/dust to replace du.
- duf to replace df.
- Zoxide to replace cd.
- Lazygit for version control.
- Ranger as vim-style file manager .
- Fzf to boost many components searching ability such as command line history.
- Nvm to upgrade node.js >= 18.0 for copilot.lua using.
- Install cargo for potential software install by cargo
- Ensure git version late enough for diffview.nvim.
Modern neovim config for C/C++ programming.
Tmux config.
Ranger install script.
Wezterm config.(Fork from github)