HD (github.com/hugodiazroa)
Gwemt is a trading card game based upon Gwen from the Witcher series with "Magic the Gathering" themed cards. The game is played over a best-of-three series of rounds, as players unleash their hand by slinging spells and diverse units with special abilities. There are four types of cards:
• Climate cards
• Close combat unit cards
• Ranged unit cards
• Siege unit cards
The game is played by two players. In this iteration of the development of the game the only implementaion of the code we will only cover the case of a match between a human and a robot
Under this rules, the human player is the one who starts the game and the computer player is the one who responds to the human player's actions. The game is played in turns, where each player can play a card or pass. The first round players draw 10 cards, then 3 cards at the beginning of each round.
A round ends when both players pass. The player who wins the round is the one who has the highest power. If both players have the same power, the round ends in a draw. The loser of a round starts the next round and loses a gem.
If a player has zero or less gems, they lose the game. The winner is the one to finish a round being the only one to have not lost. In case of a draw, both players lose a gem and the player who started the previuos round starts the next again. In case, after a draw, all players have lost, the game ends in a draw.
The game is played over a board which is divided into seven rows,
• A shared row for weather cards
• The melee row, for each player
• The ranged row, for each player
• The siege row, for each player
Each player has a deck of cards which contains 25 cards. Each card has a name a converted mana cost and a description. Unit cards also have power.
This project's goal is to create a (simplified) clone of the Gwent card game developed by CD PROJEKT RED with some influence fron the original trading card game, Magic: the Gathering developed by Wizards of the Coast
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License