Lightweight, flexible, modern server framework written in Swift.
Hummingbird is a lightweight, flexible modern web application framework that runs on top of a SwiftNIO based server implementation. It is designed to require the minimum number of dependencies.
It provides a router for directing different endpoints to their handlers, middleware for processing requests before they reach your handlers and processing the responses returned, custom encoding/decoding of requests/responses, TLS and HTTP2.
import Hummingbird
// create router and add a single GET /hello route
let router = Router()
router.get("hello") { request, _ -> String in
return "Hello"
// create application using router
let app = Application(
router: router,
configuration: .init(address: .hostname("", port: 8080))
// run hummingbird application
try await app.runService()
Hummingbird's core is designed to be minimal, with additional features provided through extensions. Here are some official extensions:
: An alternative router using result buildersHummingbirdTLS
: TLS supportHummingbirdHTTP2
: HTTP2 upgrade supportHummingbirdTesting
: Helper functions for testing Hummingbird projects
The following extensions are available in separate repositories:
- HummingbirdAuth: Authentication framework
- HummingbirdFluent: Integration with Vapor's FluentKit ORM
- HummingbirdRedis: Redis support via RediStack
- HummingbirdWebSocket: WebSocket support
- HummingbirdLambda: Run Hummingbird on AWS Lambda
- Jobs: Job Queue Framework
- Mustache: Mustache templating engine
You can find reference documentation and user guides for Hummingbird here. The hummingbird-examples repository has a number of examples of different uses of the library.
Add the following to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "2.0.0")
targets: [
name: "MyApp",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Hummingbird", package: "hummingbird"),
Or run the following commands on your package using SwiftPM, replacing MyApp
with the name of your target:
swift package add-dependency --from 2.0.0
swift package add-target-dependency Hummingbird MyApp
We welcome contributions to Hummingbird! Please read our contributing guidelines before submitting a pull request.
Hummingbird is released under the Apache 2.0 license.