[ARCHIVED REPO] This repo's content has been migrated to https://github.com/databricks/terraform-databricks-examples and will be archived; for new examples and patterns please direct to terraform-databricks-examples repo.
Subdirectories are independent to each other, each represents a Terraform pattern of AWS Databricks workspace deployment.
AWS Databricks deployment patterns:
- aws_databricks_modular: multiple workspaces deployment into your VPC
- aws_databricks_modular_privatelink: multiple workspaces deployment, CMK, VPC, Privatelinks
- aws_databricks_unity_catalog: deploys account level unity catalog related infra and resources such as account users/groups, to be run using account admin's credentials
- aws_databricks_unity_catalog_bootstrap: to be run with account owner's credentials, to generate account admins as the first step of unity catalog onboarding
- aws_remote_backend_infra: dedicated project to manage remote S3 backend infra: S3, DynamoDB table
- aws_workspace_config: dedicated project to manage workspace objects including ip access list