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Detect the browser versions available on your system and launch them in an isolated profile for automated testing purposes.

You can launch browsers headlessly (using Xvfb or with PhantomJS) and set the proxy configuration on the fly.

It's a fork of substack/browser-launcher repository which seems to be no longer maintained.

Differences from browser-launcher

  • contains fixes and pull requests for unresolved issues reported in original repository
  • launcher.browsers is an array of local browsers only, not an object as it was before
  • launch callback returns an Instance instead of a child process, see API section for more details
  • uses win-detect-browsers for browser detection on Windows
  • more browsers supported

Supported browsers

The goal for this module is to support all major browsers on every desktop platform.

At the moment, browser-launcher2 supports following browsers on Windows, Unix and OS X:

  • Chrome
  • Chromium
  • Firefox
  • IE (Windows only)
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • PhantomJS (Linux and OS X only)


npm install browser-launcher3


Browser launch

var launcher = require( 'browser-launcher2' );

launcher( function( err, launch ) {
	if ( err ) {
		return console.error( err );

	launch( '', 'chrome', function( err, instance ) {
		if ( err ) {
			return console.error( err );

		console.log( 'Instance started with PID:', );

		instance.on( 'stop', function( code ) {
			console.log( 'Instance stopped with exit code:', code );
		} );
	} );
} );


$ node example/launch.js
Instance started with PID: 12345
Instance stopped with exit code: 0

Browser detection

var launcher = require( '../' );

launcher.detect( function( available ) {
	console.log( 'Available browsers:' );
	console.dir( available );
} );


$ node example/detect.js
Available browsers:
[ { name: 'chrome',
		version: '36.0.1985.125',
		type: 'chrome',
		command: 'google-chrome' },
	{ name: 'chromium',
		version: '36.0.1985.125',
		type: 'chrome',
		command: 'chromium-browser' },
	{ name: 'firefox',
		version: '31.0',
		type: 'firefox',
		command: 'firefox' },
	{ name: 'phantomjs',
		version: '1.9.7',
		type: 'phantom',
		command: 'phantomjs' },
	{ name: 'opera',
		version: '12.16',
		type: 'opera',
		command: 'opera' } ]


var launcher = require('browser-launcher2');

launcher([configPath], callback)

Detect available browsers and pass launch function to the callback.


  • String configPath - path to a browser configuration file (Optional)
  • Function callback(err, launch) - function called with launch function and errors (if any)

launch(uri, options, callback)

Open given URI in a browser and return an instance of it.


  • String uri - URI to open in a newly started browser
  • Object|String options - configuration options or name of a browser to launch
  • String options.browser - name of a browser to launch
  • String options.version - version of a browser to launch, if none was given, the highest available version will be launched
  • Array options.options - additional command line options
  • String options.proxy - URI of the proxy server
  • Boolean options.noProxy - set proxy routes to skip over
  • Boolean options.headless - run a browser in a headless mode (only if Xvfb available)
  • Function callback(err, instance) - function fired when started a browser instance or an error occurred


This property contains an array of all known and available browsers.


Browser instance object.


  • String command - command used to start the instance
  • Array args - array of command line arguments used while starting the instance
  • String image - instance's image name
  • String processName - instance's process name
  • Object process - reference to instance's process started with Node's child_process.spawn API
  • Number pid - instance's process PID
  • Stream stdout - instance's process STDOUT stream
  • Stream stderr - instance's process STDERR stream


  • stop - fired when instance stops


  • stop(callback) - stop the instance and fire the callback once stopped


Detects all browsers available.


  • Function callback(available) - function called with array of all recognized browsers

Each browser contains following properties:

  • name - name of a browser
  • version - browser's version
  • type - type of a browser i.e. browser's family
  • command - command used to launch a browser

launcher.update([configDir], callback)

Updates the browsers cache file (~/.config/browser-launcher/config.json is no configDir was given) and creates new profiles for found browsers.


  • String configDir - path to a directory containing configuration file Optional
  • Function callback(err, browsers) - function called with found browsers and errors (if any)

Known Issues

  • Firefox: it's not possible to launch multiple instances of Firefox at once
  • IE8: after several starts and stops, if you manually open IE it willcome up with a pop-up asking if we want to restore tabs (#21)
  • Chrome @ OSX: it's not possible to launch multiple instances of Chrome at once




Detect, launch and stop browsers







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