Web interface plugin for DeaDBeeF and foobar2000 music players.
- Lightweight web user interface
- Playback control
- Playlist management
- Music directory browser
- Real-time UI updates
- Mobile-friendly responsive design
- REST-like API for controlling player from your application
- Any recent browser should work
- Due to high development effort required Internet Explorer of any version is not supported
Check out releases section.
Unpack ddb_beefweb-*.tar.xz
to $HOME/.local/lib/deadbeef
Alternatively if you use universal deadbeef-static_*.deb
package you can install matching universal deb of beefweb:
$ sudo dpkg -i deadbeef-beefweb_*.deb
Open foo_beefweb-*.fb2k-component
with foobar2000, you will be asked to install the plugin.
Point your browser to http://localhost:8880
and enjoy your web interface.
If you've enabled remote connections on plugin configuration screen you'll be able to connect from remote machines as well.
To allow browsing and adding files via web interface
specify music directories in plugin configuration screen.
For DeaDBeeF multiple music directories should be separated with ;
See advanced configuration guide to unlock hidden developer features.
If you like this project feel free to donate. Any amount is appreciated.
beefweb_dotnet project provides command line client as well as client library for .NET.
Swagger API definition is available.