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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Area: library dependencies.
Area: meta (the hyper project itself)
Area: runtime traits/utils
Blocked: this is an "API breaking change".
Blocked: More comments would be useful in determine next steps.
Blocked: needs a change in a dependency or the compiler.
Category: bug. Something is wrong. This is bad!
Category: chore. a general chore or maintenance task.
Category: feature. This is adding a new feature.
Category: performance. This is making existing behavior go faster.
Category: refactor. This would improve the clarity of internal code.
Effort: easy. A task that would be a great starting point for a new contributor.
Effort: hard. Likely requires a deeper understanding of how hyper's internals work.
Effort: medium. Some knowledge of how hyper internal works would be useful.
Status: blocked on something else.
Status: waiting on the author to provide more info, or make changes.
Status: waiting on review.
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