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Francesca Di Lodovico committed Jun 12, 2014
0 parents commit 4df07bf
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Showing 17 changed files with 3,012 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
#include "BargerPropagator.h"

Earth = new EarthDensity( );

BargerPropagator::BargerPropagator( bool k )
Earth = new EarthDensity( );

BargerPropagator::~BargerPropagator( )
delete Earth;

BargerPropagator::BargerPropagator( const char * f )
Earth = new EarthDensity( f );

void BargerPropagator::init()
kUseMassEigenstates = false;

//rad earth in [cm] /
REarth = Earth->GetEarthRadiuskm() * 1.0e5;
ProductionHeight = 0.0;
PathLength = 0.0;

// default is neutral matter
density_convert = 0.5;

kAntiMNSMatrix = false ;
kSuppressWarnings = false ;

kOneDominantMass = true ;

void BargerPropagator::propagate( int NuFlavor ){

int i,j;
int Layers;
double TransitionMatrix[3][3][2];
double TransitionProduct[3][3][2];
double TransitionTemp[3][3][2];
double RawInputPsi[3][2];
double OutputPsi[3][2];

if( ! kSuppressWarnings )
( kAntiMNSMatrix && NuFlavor > 0) ||
(!kAntiMNSMatrix && NuFlavor < 0)
std::cout << " Warning BargerPropagator::propagate - " << std::endl;
std::cout << " Propagating neutrino flavor and MNS matrix definition differ :" << std::endl;
std::cout << " MNS Matrix was defined for : " << ( kAntiMNSMatrix ? " Nubar " : "Nu" )<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Propagation is for : " << ( NuFlavor < 0 ? " Nubar " : "Nu" )<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Please check your call to BargerPropagator::SetMNS() " << std::endl;
std::cout << " This message can be suppressed with a call to BargerPropagator::SuppressWarnings() " << std::endl;


clear_complex_matrix( TransitionMatrix );
clear_complex_matrix( TransitionProduct );
clear_complex_matrix( TransitionTemp );


Earth->SetDensityProfile( CosineZenith, PathLength, ProductionHeight );
Layers = Earth->get_LayersTraversed( );

for ( i = 0; i < Layers ; i++ )
get_transition_matrix( NuFlavor,
Energy , // in GeV
Earth->get_DensityInLayer(i) * density_convert,
Earth->get_DistanceAcrossLayer(i)/1.0e5, // in km
TransitionMatrix, // Output transition matrix
0.0 // phase offset

if ( i == 0 )
copy_complex_matrix( TransitionMatrix , TransitionProduct );

if ( i >0 ){
clear_complex_matrix( TransitionTemp );
multiply_complex_matrix( TransitionMatrix, TransitionProduct, TransitionTemp );
copy_complex_matrix( TransitionTemp, TransitionProduct );
}//for other layers
}// end of layer loop

// loop on neutrino types
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
{ RawInputPsi[j][0] = 0.0; RawInputPsi[j][1] = 0.0; }

if( kUseMassEigenstates )
convert_from_mass_eigenstate( i+1, NuFlavor, RawInputPsi );
RawInputPsi[i][0] = 1.0;

multiply_complex_matvec( TransitionProduct, RawInputPsi, OutputPsi );
Probability[i][0] += OutputPsi[0][0] * OutputPsi[0][0] + OutputPsi[0][1]*OutputPsi[0][1];
Probability[i][1] += OutputPsi[1][0] * OutputPsi[1][0] + OutputPsi[1][1]*OutputPsi[1][1];
Probability[i][2] += OutputPsi[2][0] * OutputPsi[2][0] + OutputPsi[2][1]*OutputPsi[2][1];

}//end of neutrino loop


void BargerPropagator::ClearProbabilities()
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++ )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
Probability[i][j] = 0.0;


void BargerPropagator::SetMNS( double x12, double x13, double x23,
double m21, double mAtm, double delta,
double Energy_ , bool kSquared, int kNuType )
Energy = Energy_;

double sin12;
double sin13;
double sin23;

double lm32 = mAtm ;
// Dominant Mixing mode assumes the user
// simply changes the sign of the input atmospheric
// mixing to invert the hierarchy
// so the input for NH corresponds to m32
// and the input for IH corresponds to m31
if( kOneDominantMass )
// For the inverted Hierarchy, adjust the input
// by the solar mixing (should be positive)
// to feed the core libraries the correct value of m32
if( mAtm < 0.0 )
lm32 = mAtm - m21 ;
if( !kSuppressWarnings )
std::cout << " BargerPropagator::SetMNS - " << std::endl;
std::cout << " You have opted to specify the value of m23 by yourself. " << std::endl;
std::cout << " This means you must correct the value of m23 when switching " << std::endl;
std::cout << " between the mass hierarchy options. " << std::endl;
std::cout << " This message can be suppressed with BargerPropagator::SuppressWarnings()"<< std::endl;

//if xAB = sin( xAB )^2
if ( kSquared ){
sin12 = sqrt( x12 );
sin13 = sqrt( x13 );
sin23 = sqrt( x23 );
//if xAB = sin( 2 xAB )^2
sin12 = sqrt( 0.5*(1 - sqrt(1 - x12 )) );
sin13 = sqrt( 0.5*(1 - sqrt(1 - x13 )) );
sin23 = sqrt( 0.5*(1 - sqrt(1 - x23 )) );

if ( kNuType < 0 )
delta *= -1.0 ;
kAntiMNSMatrix = true ;
kAntiMNSMatrix = false ;

init_mixing_matrix( m21, lm32, sin12, sin23, sin13, delta );


void BargerPropagator::DefinePath(double cz, double ProdHeight, bool kSetProfile )

ProductionHeight = ProdHeight*1e5;
PathLength = sqrt( (REarth + ProductionHeight )*(REarth + ProductionHeight)
- (REarth*REarth)*( 1 - cz*cz)) - REarth*cz;
CosineZenith = cz;
if( kSetProfile )
Earth->SetDensityProfile( CosineZenith, PathLength, ProductionHeight );


void BargerPropagator::SetMatterPathLength()

int Layers = Earth->get_LayersTraversed( );

MatterPathLength = 0.0;
AirPathLength = 0.0;
for( int i = 1 ; i < Layers ; i++ )
MatterPathLength += Earth->get_DistanceAcrossLayer(i);

AirPathLength += Earth->get_DistanceAcrossLayer(0);

void BargerPropagator::SetAirPathLength(double x)
// argument is [km], convert to [cm]
AirPathLength = x*1.0e5 - MatterPathLength;

double BargerPropagator::GetVacuumProb( int Alpha, int Beta , double Energy, double Path )
// alpha -> 1:e 2:mu 3:tau
// Energy[GeV]
// Path[km]
/// simple referes to the fact that in the 3 flavor analysis
// the solar mass term is zero
double Probs[3][3];

get_vacuum_probability( Alpha, Energy, Path, Probs );

Alpha = abs(Alpha);
Beta = abs(Beta);

if ( Alpha > 0 )
return Probs[Alpha-1][Beta-1];

if ( Alpha < 0 ) // assuming CPT!!!
return Probs[Beta-1][Alpha-1];

std::cerr << " BargerPropagator::GetVacuumProb neutrino must be non-zero: " << std::endl;
return -1.0;


void BargerPropagator::propagateLinear( int NuFlavor, double pathlength, double Density )

int i,j;

double TransitionMatrix[3][3][2];
double TransitionProduct[3][3][2];
double TransitionTemp[3][3][2];
double RawInputPsi[3][2];
double OutputPsi[3][2];

if( ! kSuppressWarnings )
( kAntiMNSMatrix && NuFlavor > 0) ||
(!kAntiMNSMatrix && NuFlavor < 0)
std::cout << " Warning BargerPropagator::propagateLinear - " << std::endl;
std::cout << " Propagating neutrino flavor and MNS matrix definition differ :" << std::endl;
std::cout << " MNS Matrix was defined for : " << ( kAntiMNSMatrix ? " Nubar " : "Nu" )<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Propagation is for : " << ( NuFlavor < 0 ? " Nubar " : "Nu" )<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Please check your call to BargerPropagator::SetMNS() " << std::endl;
std::cout << " This message can be suppressed with a call to BargerPropagator::SuppressWarnings() " << std::endl;


clear_complex_matrix( TransitionMatrix );
clear_complex_matrix( TransitionProduct );
clear_complex_matrix( TransitionTemp );


get_transition_matrix( NuFlavor,
Energy , // in GeV
Density * density_convert,
pathlength , // in km
TransitionMatrix, // Output transition matrix

copy_complex_matrix( TransitionMatrix , TransitionProduct );

for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
{ RawInputPsi[j][0] = 0.0; RawInputPsi[j][1] = 0.0; }

if( kUseMassEigenstates )
convert_from_mass_eigenstate( i+1, NuFlavor, RawInputPsi );
RawInputPsi[i][0] = 1.0;

multiply_complex_matvec( TransitionProduct, RawInputPsi, OutputPsi );

Probability[i][0] += OutputPsi[0][0] * OutputPsi[0][0] + OutputPsi[0][1]*OutputPsi[0][1];
Probability[i][1] += OutputPsi[1][0] * OutputPsi[1][0] + OutputPsi[1][1]*OutputPsi[1][1];
Probability[i][2] += OutputPsi[2][0] * OutputPsi[2][0] + OutputPsi[2][1]*OutputPsi[2][1];

}// end of loop on neutrino types



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