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Velodrome Superchain Contracts

Core smart contracts for the Velodrome Superchain. This includes the Superchain specific contracts (message passing, xERC20, etc) as well as the base v2 contracts.

For information on specific contracts, see Integrators should refer to the integrators section below.


This repository depends on:

node v20 (recommend managing node versions using nvm) foundry yarn

To install & run:

yarn install
forge b

forge t -vv

This repository uses forge fmt to format code and bulloak for test layouts.


Populate foundry.toml with the environment variables required for RPC and contract verification.

Run the following commands to check that the CreateX factory has the correct code. See here for more information. This is now done in the script, but feel free to check.

[[ $(cast keccak $(cast code 0xba5Ed099633D3B313e4D5F7bdc1305d3c28ba5Ed --rpc-url {RPC_URL})) == "0xbd8a7ea8cfca7b4e5f5041d7d4b17bc317c5ce42cfbc42066a00cf26b43eb53f" ]] && echo "Hash Matches" || echo "Hash Does Not Match"

Deploy Root contracts first:

forge script script/deployParameters/optimism/DeployRootBase.s.sol:DeployRootBase --slow --rpc-url optimism -vvvv
forge script script/deployParameters/optimism/DeployRootBase.s.sol:DeployRootBase --slow --rpc-url optimism --broadcast --verify -vvvv

Deploy Leaf contracts next:

Replace leaf with the chain you are deploying to.

forge script script/deployParameters/leaf/DeployBase.s.sol:DeployBase --slow --rpc-url leaf -vvvv
forge script script/deployParameters/leaf/DeployBase.s.sol:DeployBase --slow --rpc-url leaf --broadcast --verify -vvvv

If there is a verification failure, simply remove --broadcast and add --resume.


For verifications, fill out the verifier config in foundry.toml.

For blockscout verifications, append --verifier blockscout after --verify


The xERC20 implementation in this repository has been modified lightly from the moonwell xERC20 implementation to support native Superchain interop in the future.


This project follows the Apache Foundation guideline for licensing. See LICENSE and NOTICE files.


Chain Addresses
Arbitrum Addresses
Base Addresses
Bob Addresses
Celo Addresses
Fraxtal Addresses
Ink Addresses
Lisk Addresses
Mantle Addresses
Metal Addresses
Mode Addresses
Optimism Addresses
Polygon Addresses
Soneium Addresses
Superseed Addresses
Unichain Addresses
Worldchain Addresses

Optimism contains the root deployment contracts, and these factory addresses are used by all leaf chains.