Releases: hyperskill/mobile-app
Releases · hyperskill/mobile-app
Release 1.40
What's Changed
- iOS: update dependencies by @ivan-magda in #732
- ALTAPPS-1013: Shared refactor StepQuizHintsFeature to embeddable feature by @ivan-magda in #733
- ALTAPPS-987: Shared remove pagination for root topics section by @vladkash in #734
- ALTAPPS-1037: Fix hint margins in Idle state by @XanderZhu in #735
- ALTAPPS-1029: Android fix android step quiz horizontal margin by @XanderZhu in #736
- Release 1.40 by @ivan-magda in #731
Full Changelog: v1.39...v1.40
Release 1.39
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-999: Shared increased limits for first step completion by @vladkash in #721
- ALTAPPS-1025: iOS invalidate fill blanks layout on device orientation change by @ivan-magda in #723
- ALTAPPS-906: Shared change progress page for freemium users by @vladkash in #727
- ALTAPPS-1019: Shared fill in the blanks with selects by @ivan-magda in #724
- ALTAPPS-1020: iOS fill in the blanks with selects by @ivan-magda in #725
- Fill in the blanks with selects by @ivan-magda in #728
- Bundler: Bump cocoapods from 1.13.0 to 1.14.0 in /iosHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #726
- ALTAPPS-906: Shared fix progress screen for tracks without projects by @vladkash in #729
- ALTAPPS-999: Shared update limits locally instead of loading from backend by @vladkash in #730
- Release 1.39 by @ivan-magda in #722
Full Changelog: v1.38...v1.39
Release 1.38
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-1015: Shared fill in the blanks with inputs by @XanderZhu in #711
- ALTAPPS-1018: Android fix invalid navigation from LimitsBottomSheet by @XanderZhu in #713
- GitHub Actions: Automerge create new release branch if needed by @ivan-magda in #714
- GitHub Actions: Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 by @dependabot in #718
- ALTAPPS-993: Shared use new gamification toolbar API by @vladkash in #716
- ALTAPPS-1017: Android fill in the blanks with inputs by @XanderZhu in #717
- ALTAPPS-1016: iOS fill in the blanks with inputs by @ivan-magda in #720
- Fill in the blanks with inputs by @ivan-magda in #712
- ALTAPPS-900: Shared fix error when continue practicing by @vladkash in #719
- Release 1.38 by @ivan-magda in #715
Full Changelog: v1.37...v1.38
Release 1.37
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-996: Shared first problem onboarding by @vladkash in #689
- ALTAPPS-544: Shared Sentry transactions convenient API by @XanderZhu in #705
- ALTAPPS-997: iOS first problem onboarding by @vladkash in #702
- ALTAPPS-998: Android first problem onboarding by @XanderZhu in #703
- First problem onboarding by @vladkash in #701
- GitHub Actions: Automerge develop into release by @ivan-magda in #706
- ALTAPPS-1003: Shared rearrange home screen by @vladkash in #704
- ALTAPPS-1011: Android fix input focus invokes keyboard on code editor closing by @XanderZhu in #708
- ALTAPPS-1005: Android rearrange home screen by @XanderZhu in #710
- ALTAPPS-1004: iOS rearrange home screen by @ivan-magda in #709
- Rearrange home screen by @ivan-magda in #707
- ALTAPPS-1006: iOS integrate AppsFlyer by @ivan-magda in #700
- Release 1.37 by @XanderZhu in #699
Full Changelog: v1.36...v1.37
Release 1.36
What's Changed
- iOS: fastlane separate unit and ui tests lanes by @ivan-magda in #678
- ALTAPPS-827: Support iOS 17 by @ivan-magda in #676
- GitHub Actions: Bump actions/first-interaction from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 by @dependabot in #684
- ALTAPPS-960: Shared send user time zone to api/profile by @XanderZhu in #683
- GitHub Actions: Turn off ios-unit-testing job on push by @ivan-magda in #685
- GitHub Actions: iOS unit testing cron job by @ivan-magda in #686
- ALTAPPS-498: Shared local logging by @XanderZhu in #682
- GitHub Actions: Automatically assign pull request authors by @ivan-magda in #687
- ALTAPPS-949: iOS make code editor an active input by @ivan-magda in #677
- Bump ktlint gradle plugin from 10.2.0 to 11.1.0 by @ivan-magda in #688
- ALTAPPS-1000: iOS fix code editor loses focus on user typing by @ivan-magda in #690
- GitHub Actions: CI workflow by @ivan-magda in #691
- iOS: SwiftLint update list of paths to the all targets by @ivan-magda in #693
- GitHub Actions: CodeQL code scanning by @ivan-magda in #694
- ALTAPPS-980: Android fix scroll on landscape orientation by @XanderZhu in #695
- ALTAPPS-950: Android make code editor an active input by @XanderZhu in #692
- ALTAPPS-949: iOS StepQuizCodeEditorView use language name from shared by @ivan-magda in #696
- ALTAPPS-1009: Android fix latexView crash by @XanderZhu in #697
Full Changelog: v1.35...v1.36
Release 1.35
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-969: Shared show notification onboarding screen on user login by @XanderZhu in #664
- Notifications onboarding resources by @ivan-magda in #670
- ALTAPPS-970: Android notifications onboarding screen by @XanderZhu in #668
- ALTAPPS-971: iOS notifications onboarding screen by @ivan-magda in #666
- Notifications onboarding by @XanderZhu in #669
- Bundler: Bump fastlane from 2.215.1 to 2.216.0 in /androidHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #671
- GitHub Actions: Bump actions/checkout from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #672
- Bundler: Bump cocoapods from 1.12.1 to 1.13.0 in /iosHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #673
- Bundler: Bump fastlane from 2.214.0 to 2.216.0 in /iosHyperskillApp by @ivan-magda in #674
- iOS: testing app launch time by @ivan-magda in #675
- ALTAPPS-990: Fix redundant ask to enable dailyReminders by @XanderZhu in #679
- ALTAPPS-992: Show permission settings screen if permission dialog is not showed by @XanderZhu in #680
Full Changelog: v1.34...v1.35
Release 1.34
What's Changed
- iOS clean-up by @ivan-magda in #661
- iOS fix version and build numbers automation by @ivan-magda in #662
- iOS shine effect by @ivan-magda in #663
- ALTAPPS-954: Optimize concurrent usage of BaseStateRepository::getState by @XanderZhu in #659
- ALTAPPS-984: Shared add notification ID to notification context by @ivan-magda in #665
- Release 1.34 by @XanderZhu in #660
Full Changelog: v1.33...v1.34
Release 1.33
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-928: Shared problems limit reached modal hardcode fix by @vladkash in #643
- ALTAPPS-884: iOS improve run unit tests speed by @vladkash in #646
- ALTAPPS-966: Android parsons problems syntax highlighting by @XanderZhu in #649
- ALTAPPS-959: Shared send firebase token on login by @XanderZhu in #647
- ALTAPPS-962: iOS parsons problems improvements by @ivan-magda in #650
- fastlane: Update firebase_app_distribution plugin from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3 by @ivan-magda in #654
- GitHub Actions: Bump actions/cache from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 by @dependabot in #656
- ALTAPPS-964: [Android, Shared] Support push notification image showing by @XanderZhu in #653
- ALTAPPS-963: Android enable horizontal orientation by @XanderZhu in #652
- ALTAPPS-961: iOS enable horizontal orientation by @ivan-magda in #655
- ALTAPPS-965: iOS support badge images for notifications by @ivan-magda in #648
- ALTAPPS-978: Android enable localStorage for AuthSocialWebViewClient by @XanderZhu in #657
- ALTAPPS-981: Android disable activity recreation on screen orientation change by @XanderZhu in #658
- Release 1.33 by @ivan-magda in #645
Full Changelog: v1.32...v1.33
Release 1.32
What's Changed
- GitHub Actions: Bump actions/deploy-pages from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 by @dependabot in #616
- Bump activesupport from 7.0.6 to in /iosHyperskillApp by @dependabot in #630
- GitHub Actions: Bump actions/checkout from 3.5.2 to 4.0.0 by @dependabot in #640
- ALTAPPS-942: Android support parsons problems by @XanderZhu in #635
- ALTAPPS-948: Android remove Continue-learning-on-the-web button from the Home screen by @XanderZhu in #638
- ALTAPPS-872: Android add landscape orientation for code problems by @XanderZhu in #641
- ALTAPPS-919: iOS update problems limit UI by @vladkash in #637
- ALTAPPS-951: Shared parsons problem onboarding modal by @vladkash in #639
- ALTAPPS-953: Android add parsons onboarding bottom sheet by @XanderZhu in #642
- ALTAPPS-941: iOS support parsons problems by @vladkash in #634
- ALTAPPS-952: iOS parsons problem onboarding bottom sheet by @ivan-magda in #644
- Release 1.32 by @vladkash in #636
Full Changelog: v1.31...v1.32
Release 1.31
What's Changed
- ALTAPPS-940: Shared support parsons problems by @vladkash in #632
- ALTAPPS-905: Shared send time from daily study reminders to server by @XanderZhu in #623
- ALTAPPS-945: iOS make step quiz hint text copyable by @vladkash in #627
- ALTAPPS-943: Android make hint text selectable & add links handling by @XanderZhu in #625
Full Changelog: v1.30...v1.31