ROS Workspace for SBRI project
Refer to README in i3dr_sbri for usage of i3dr cameras for SBRI project
Refer to README in isi_base for usage of isi hes probe for SBRI project
See repository wiki for in-depth install and run instructions
cd /path/to/repo
wstool init src
wstool merge -t src
wstool merge -t src
wstool merge -t src
wstool update -t src
I3DR Stereo Algorithm is avaiable on request. This is an SGM matching algorithm. Install the phobos_integration.deb, this will install the required files to /usr/local/Phobos. We will provide a license file that must be placed in the folder:
cd /path/to/repo
To build with the I3DR stereo algorithm use the following command:
catkin_make -DENABLE_I3DR_ALG=ON
cd /path/to/repo
source devel/
See /i3dr/i3dr_sbri/ for details on running i3dr SBRI packages
See /isi/isi_hes_base/ for details on running isi SBRI packages