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iMattPro committed Oct 16, 2017
1 parent cd34a80 commit 9e53d99
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Showing 13 changed files with 26 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/ar/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'التوصية تعتمد على إعدادات الصورة المُرفقة : %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'السماح بالتنقل بين الصور ',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'السماح بسهولة التنقل بين جميع الصور المُصغرة في الصفحة بإستخدام تقنية النافذة المضيئة.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'تصغير صور التواقيع ',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'السماح بتصغير الصور الموجودة في تواقيع الأعضاء.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'إظهار أسماء الصور ',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/cs/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Doporučení založené na nastavení obrázkových příloh: %s px',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Povolit režim galerie',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Umožňuje snadnou navigaci mezi obrázky na stránce prostřednictvím lightbox efektu.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Měnit velikost obrázků v podpisech',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Umožňuje změnu velikosti obrázků v podpisech.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Zobrazovat názvy obrázků',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/de/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Empfehlung basierend auf den Bilderanhang-Einstellungen: %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Erlaube Galeriemodus',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Erlaubt einfach Navigation zwischen allen verkleinerten Bildern auf der Seite, unter Benutzung des Lightbox-Effekts.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Verkleinere Signaturbilder',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Erlaubt die Verkleinerung von Bildern, die in Signaturen benutzt werden.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Zeige Bildernamen',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/es/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Recomendación sobre la base de la configuración de la imagen adjunta: %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Permitir el modo de galería',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Permite una fácil navegación entre todas las imágenes redimensionadas en la página utilizando el efecto de Lightbox.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Redimensionar imágenes de las firmas',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Permitir que las imágenes usadas en las firmas seán redimensionadas.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Mostrar los nombres de archivo de las imágenes',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/it/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Raccomandazione sulla base di impostazioni per gli allegati di immagini: %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Attiva modalità galleria',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Permette la navigazione fra immagini ridimensionate nella stessa pagina con l’effetto Lightbox.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Ridimensiona immagini in firma',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Permette il ridimensionamento delle immagini inserite nella firma',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Mostra nomi file immagine',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/ja/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => '添付ファイルの設定に基づいて勧告: %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'ギャラリーモードを許可',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Lightboxエフェクトを使用するページの全てのリサイズされた画像の間で簡単なナビゲーションを許可します。',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => '署名画像のリサイズ',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => '署名でリサイズされた画像の使用を許可します。',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => '画像のファイル名を表示',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/nl/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Aanbeveling op basis van afbeelding bijlagen: %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Galerij mode toestaan',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Hiermee kan makkelijk genavigeerd worden tussen alle herschaalde afbeeldingen op de pagina door gebruik te maken van het Lightbox effect.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Herschaal afbeeldingen in onderschrift',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'De afbeeldingen die in het onderschrift worden gebruikt herschalen.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Bestandsnamen weergeven',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/pl/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Zalecenie podstawie ustawień załączanego obrazka: %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Zezwól na tryb galerii',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Pozwala na łatwą nawigację pomiędzy wszystkimi obrazkami, które wymagają użycia efektu Lightbox.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Zmiana rozmiaru obrazków w sygnaturach',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Wykorzustuje Lightbox do zmiany rozmiaru obrazków w sygnaturach.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Pokaż nazwy obrazków',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/pt_br/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Recommendation based on image attachment settings: %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Permite modo galeria',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Permite fácil navegação entre todas as imagens redimensionadas da página usando o efeito Lightbox.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Redimensiona imagens na assinatura',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Permite que imagens usadas em assinaturas sejam redimensionadas.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Mostra o nome de arquivo da imagem',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/ru/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Рекомендация основана на настройках вложения изображения: %sпикс.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Включить режим галереи',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Включает простую навигацию по уменьшенным избражениям с использованием Lightbox-эффекта.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Уменьшать изображения в подписях',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Если опция включена, то изображения в подписях пользователей так же будут уменьшены средствами LightBox.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Показывать имена файлов изображений',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/sv/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Rekommendation baserad på bildbilagor: %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Tillåt galleriläge',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Gör det enkelt att navigera mellan alla förminskade bilder på sidan.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Förminska signaturbilder',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Tillåt att bilder som används i signaturer blir föminskande.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Visa bildernas filnamn',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/tr/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_EXPLAIN' => 'Bu genişliği aşan resimler yeniden boyutlandırılacaktır ve Lightbox efekti kullanarak büyütülecektir. Lightbox resim yeniden boyutlandırmayı kapatmak için bu değeri 0 olarak ayarlayın.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Galeri moduna izin ver',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Lightbox efekti kullanarak sayfadaki tüm yeniden boyutlandırılan resimler arasında kolay gezinmeye izin verir.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'İmza resimlerini yeniden boyutlandır',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'İmzalarda kullanılan resimleri yeniden boyutlandırmaya izin verir.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Resim dosya adlarını göster',
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions language/vi/lightbox.php
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'LIGHTBOX_MAX_WIDTH_APPEND' => 'Dựa trên cài đặt ảnh đính kèm: %spx',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY' => 'Bật chế độ Gallery',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'Dễ dàng chuyển ảnh qua lại trên trang nhờ sử dụng Lightbox effect.',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_ALL' => 'All resized images on page',
'LIGHTBOX_GALLERY_POSTS' => 'All resized images per post',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES' => 'Bật thu nhỏ hình ảnh trong chữ ký',
'LIGHTBOX_SIGNATURES_EXPLAIN' => 'Thu nhỏ hình ảnh trong chữ ký.',
'LIGHTBOX_IMG_TITLES' => 'Hiển thị tên file ảnh',
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