Server emulator source for JSS's MMORPG StoneAge
Nice to meet you for the first time! It's been a while since I'm not new to you! I'm Nina, the guide to this world. Nice to meet you all.
The story that I will start with you from now on is the story of STONE AGE in the mysterious and mysterious world of "Nice" . At the beginning STONE AGE it will be briefly described (Stone Age).
Once upon a time, once upon a time, really long ago. You may feel that the Stone Age is barbaric, but it's really pretty crazy. When the morning comes, I wake up, hunt when I like, and when I get good things, I spend my time processing and cooking.
People, dinosaurs, and invisible spirits live in Nice, and some of them dwell in tools to help us.
There are many strange animals and dinosaurs around us. Some dinosaurs are dangerous and scary, but if you make them pets, they will be a reassuring ally! They will fight together. Isn't it wonderful? Send a tool to friends even when you do not pass and have to far away I Ritai, pet is a big success! You can use it.
"Nice", where we live, was originally an island. However, it seems that the volcano erupted with Dawn and quickly split into three islands, "Sinus", "Jarga", and "Gir". Many people and animals still live on these three islands. People from each island work together to dig a large cave on the seabed... It seems that now it is possible to go back and forth between the three islands.
There is a big village called "Sam Gil" in "Sinus". A big stone statue stood in the center of the village with a dawn, and I was surprised when I first saw it. This village is a village made up of many people who are good at processing stones. "Nice" money, "Stone", which is used in all have made of craftsmen here, Toka not keep in there is a secret that can not be imitated in our ... me.
There is another big village called "Marinas" in "Sinus". The calm sea spreads out in front of you and you can catch delicious fish and shellfish. A long time ago, there was a legend of a fisherman who fought a giant sea dragon alone, and the spear he used is still sleeping somewhere in this world.
And in "Jarga", there is a village of "Jaja" surrounded by forests, and everyone lives by building a house on a tree. Processing using wood is popular, and it seems that we are looking for a part-time job for a lumberjack. "Jaja" is a forest right outside the village, so you have to be careful not to get lost!
Another big village in "Jarga" is "Cartana". This village is connected by a bridge over a number of small islands. You can get a fair amount of mountain and seafood, but it seems that people who wish for the development of the village have begun to challenge unthinkable attempts in other villages, and it seems that they are gathering strong people from all over the world . If you have a chance, why don't you come visit us?
Another island in "Nice", "Gir", is a lonely place with desolate land. However, the stones that can be obtained from "Gir" are incomparably better than others! "Stone" is important in this era! Stones are the strongest and most convenient for money, weapons, and tools. It seems that there are places that are still unknown, and I'd like to go there someday.
Oh yeah, here 's a little advice on how to proceed with " STONE AGE ". For adventures, "with everyone" is recommended. Once you've formed a group, it's time to start! The leader will pull you to your destination so you won't get lost and it's fun to walk while chatting. It feels like a picnic. Talk to different people, make friends and adventure together. Isn't this the most amazing thing in the world? Let's enjoy the world of
" STONE AGE " together , whether it's for the first time or for the first time in a while ! If you meet me someday, feel free to talk to me!
From Nina
はじめての人ははじめまして! はじめてじゃない人はお久しぶり! わたしはこの世界の案内役をしている、ニーナです。 みんなよろしくね。
今からみなさんとはじめるお話は、不思議な不思議な『ニース』という世界のSTONE AGE (ストーンエイジ)のお話なの。 はじめにSTONE AGE (ストーンエイジ)を簡単に説明するね。
むかし、むかし、本当にむかし。 皆さんは石器時代って野蛮だなって感じちゃうかもしれないけれど、ホントはけっこうノンビリしているのよ。 朝が来れば起きだして、すきな時に狩りをして、良いものが手に入れば加工したり料理をしたりして過ごしてるの。
私たちの周りには変わった動物や恐竜がたくさん。危険でこわい恐竜もいるけど、ペットにしたら心強い味方に! 一緒に戦ってくれるの。ステキでしょ? 友達に道具を送りたいけど遠くにいて渡せないときも、ペットが大活躍!おつかいしてくれるの。
「サイナス」には「サムギル」って大きな村があるの。村の中心にはおっきな石像がドーンと立っていて、初めて見たときは驚いちゃったわ。 この村は石の加工を得意とする人々が多く集ってできた村なんですって。「ニース」で使用されるお金「ストーン」は全てここの職人さんが作っていて、私たちでは真似のできない秘訣があるとかないとか…って。
「サイナス」にはもう一つ「マリナス」という大きな村があるの。目の前に穏やかな海が広がっていておいしい魚や貝が採れるのよ。 その昔、たった一人で巨大海竜と戦った漁師の伝説があって、彼の使った槍は今もこの世界のどこかに眠っているんですって。
そして「ジャルガ」には、森に囲まれた「ジャジャ」の村があって、みんな木の上に家を作って生活してるんですって。 木を使った加工が盛んで、きこりのアルバイトなんかも募集中みたいよ。 「ジャジャ」は村の外がすぐ森なので、迷子にならないよう気をつけなくっちゃね!
そうそう、ここでみんなに「STONE AGE」の進め方について、ちょっとアドバイス。 冒険は、なんてったって『みんなと一緒に』がおすすめなの。グループを組んだら、いざ出発!先頭のリーダーが目的地まで引っ張ってくれるから迷子にならないし、おしゃべりしながら歩くのって楽しいわよ。なんかピクニック気分ですてきよね。 色んな人とお話して、友達を作って、一緒に冒険する。これってもしかしてこの世界で一番すごい事じゃない?
はじめての人も、ひさしぶりの人も、みんなで仲良く「STONE AGE」の世界で楽しもうね! いつか、どこかで私に出会ったら気軽に声をかけてね!