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Creating a more pytonic API based on Numpy
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iago-suarez committed Dec 23, 2024
1 parent e9f8bdb commit 6d7acd5
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Showing 3 changed files with 269 additions and 139 deletions.
264 changes: 142 additions & 122 deletions src/PYAPI.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,58 +1,78 @@
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>

#include <pybind11/numpy.h> // for py::array_t
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include "GreedyMerger.h" // your library's header

#include "GreedyMerger.h" // your library's header that defines upm::GreedyMerger

namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace upm;

#define STRINGIFY(x) #x

int add(int i, int j) {
cv::Vec2f v_i(i, 0);
cv::Vec2f v_j(j, 0);
cv::Vec2f sum = v_i + v_j;
std::cout << "Sum: " << sum << std::endl;
return sum(0);

// A small helper struct to hold the 4 floats from a "Segment".
struct PySegment {
float x1, y1, x2, y2;

PySegment() : x1(0.f), y1(0.f), x2(0.f), y2(0.f) {
namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace upm;

PySegment(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_)
: x1(x1_), y1(y1_), x2(x2_), y2(y2_) {
// HELPER FUNCTIONS: Convert between NumPy arrays (N×4) and Segments

* @brief Convert a NumPy array (N x 4, dtype=float32 or float64) -> Segments.
* @param arr Python array, must be 2D with shape [N,4].
* @throws std::runtime_error if shape is wrong.
static Segments ndarrayToSegments(const py::array_t<float> &arr)
// Request buffer info from NumPy array
py::buffer_info buf = arr.request();

if (buf.ndim != 2 || buf.shape[1] != 4) {
throw std::runtime_error("Segments array must have shape (N,4)");

explicit PySegment(const Segment &seg) {
x1 = seg[0];
y1 = seg[1];
x2 = seg[2];
y2 = seg[3];
// Convert to Segments
size_t n = buf.shape[0];
float *ptr = static_cast<float*>(buf.ptr);

Segments segments(n);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// each row: (x1, y1, x2, y2)
segments[i] = cv::Vec4f(ptr[4*i + 0],
ptr[4*i + 1],
ptr[4*i + 2],
ptr[4*i + 3]);
return segments;

[[nodiscard]] Segment toSegment() const {
Segment s;
s[0] = x1;
s[1] = y1;
s[2] = x2;
s[3] = y2;
return s;
* @brief Convert Segments -> NumPy array (N x 4, dtype=float32).
* @param segments The C++ vector of segments.
* @return A pybind11 array with shape [N,4].
static py::array_t<float> segmentsToNdarray(const Segments &segments)
const size_t n = segments.size();
// Create a new NumPy array of shape (n, 4)
py::array_t<float> arr({static_cast<py::ssize_t>(n), 4l});
py::buffer_info buf = arr.request();
float *ptr = static_cast<float*>(buf.ptr);

for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
ptr[4*i + 0] = segments[i][0];
ptr[4*i + 1] = segments[i][1];
ptr[4*i + 2] = segments[i][2];
ptr[4*i + 3] = segments[i][3];

using PySegments = std::vector<PySegment>;

return arr;

PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>);

PYBIND11_MODULE(_pyfsg, m) {
m.doc() = R"pbdoc(
Expand All @@ -68,92 +88,92 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(_pyfsg, m) {

py::class_<PySegment>(m, "Segment")
.def(py::init<float, float, float, float>(),
py::arg("x1"), py::arg("y1"),
py::arg("x2"), py::arg("y2"))
.def_readwrite("x1", &PySegment::x1)
.def_readwrite("y1", &PySegment::y1)
.def_readwrite("x2", &PySegment::x2)
.def_readwrite("y2", &PySegment::y2);

// Wrap vector of PySegment as "Segments"
py::bind_vector<std::vector<PySegment> >(m, "Segments");

// Wrap vector<vector<unsigned int>> as "SegmentClusters"
py::bind_vector<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > >(m, "SegmentClusters");

py::class_<GreedyMerger>(m, "GreedyMerger")
.def(py::init([](int width, int height) {
return std::make_unique<GreedyMerger>(cv::Size(width, height));
py::arg("width") = 800, py::arg("height") = 480)
[](GreedyMerger &self, int width, int height) {
self.setImageSize(cv::Size(width, height));
py::arg("width"), py::arg("height"))
[](GreedyMerger &self, const std::vector<PySegment> &pySegs) {
Segments in;
for (auto &ps: pySegs) in.push_back(ps.toSegment());

Segments out;
SegmentClusters clusters;
self.mergeSegments(in, out, clusters);

// Convert output segments back to Python-friendly structure
std::vector<PySegment> pyOut;
for (auto &seg: out) {
// Return them as (mergedSegments, clusters)
return std::make_pair(pyOut, clusters);
[](const std::vector<PySegment> &pySegs, int bins) {
Segments in;
for (auto &ps: pySegs) in.push_back(ps.toSegment());
return GreedyMerger::getOrientationHistogram(in, bins);
py::arg("segments"), py::arg("bins") = 90)
[](const std::vector<PySegment> &pySegs,
int bins, int width, int height) {
Segments in;
for (auto &ps: pySegs) in.push_back(ps.toSegment());
return GreedyMerger::partialSortByLength(
in, bins, cv::Size(width, height)
py::arg("segments"), py::arg("bins"),
py::arg("width"), py::arg("height"))
[](const PySegment &pySeg, float radius) {
auto eq = GreedyMerger::getTangentLineEqs(pySeg.toSegment(), radius);
py::tuple l1 = py::make_tuple(eq.first[0], eq.first[1], eq.first[2]);
py::tuple l2 = py::make_tuple(eq.second[0], eq.second[1], eq.second[2]);
return py::make_tuple(l1, l2);
py::arg("segment"), py::arg("radius"));

m.def("add", &add, R"pbdoc(
Add two numbers
Some other explanation about the add function.

m.def("subtract", [](int i, int j) { return i - j; }, R"pbdoc(
Subtract two numbers
Some other explanation about the subtract function.
// Constructor from width, height
.def(py::init([](int width, int height) {
return std::make_unique<GreedyMerger>(cv::Size(width, height));
py::arg("width") = 800,
py::arg("height") = 480,
"Construct a GreedyMerger for an image of size (width, height).")

// setImageSize
[](GreedyMerger &self, int width, int height) {
self.setImageSize(cv::Size(width, height));
py::arg("width"), py::arg("height"),
"Change the internal image size used by the merger.")

// mergeSegments
// In C++: void mergeSegments(const Segments &original, Segments &merged, SegmentClusters &clusters)
// We'll accept a NumPy array for `original` and return two things:
// 1) a NumPy array (N x 4) for `merged`
// 2) a Python list of lists of int for `clusters`
[](GreedyMerger &self, const py::array_t<float> &arr) {
// Convert from NumPy => Segments
Segments original = ndarrayToSegments(arr);

// Prepare outputs
Segments merged;
SegmentClusters clusters;

// Call the actual C++ method
self.mergeSegments(original, merged, clusters);

// Convert merged back to a NumPy array
py::array_t<float> mergedArr = segmentsToNdarray(merged);

// Return a (mergedArr, clusters) tuple
return py::make_tuple(mergedArr, clusters);
"Merge input line segments (Nx4 array) that belong to the same line. "
"Returns (merged_segments, segment_clusters).")

// getOrientationHistogram (static)
[](const py::array_t<float> &arr, int bins) {
Segments segs = ndarrayToSegments(arr);
auto clusters = GreedyMerger::getOrientationHistogram(segs, bins);
return clusters; // automatically converted to Python list-of-lists
py::arg("segments"), py::arg("bins") = 90,
"Build an orientation histogram from an Nx4 array of segments. "
"Returns a list of lists of indices (SegmentClusters).")

// partialSortByLength (static)
[](const py::array_t<float> &arr, int bins, int width, int height) {
Segments segs = ndarrayToSegments(arr);
auto sortedIndices = GreedyMerger::partialSortByLength(
segs, bins, cv::Size(width, height));
return sortedIndices; // automatically converted to Python list of int
py::arg("segments"), py::arg("bins"),
py::arg("width"), py::arg("height"),
"Sort Nx4 segments by descending length. Returns list of sorted indices.")

// getTangentLineEqs (static)
[](const py::array_t<float> &arr, float radius) {
// Expect a single segment, i.e. shape (1,4) or something similar
// but we’ll just read the first row for demonstration
Segments segs = ndarrayToSegments(arr);
if (segs.empty()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Expected at least 1 segment in Nx4 array.");
// We'll just use the first one
auto eqs = GreedyMerger::getTangentLineEqs(segs[0], radius);
// eqs.first, eqs.second are cv::Vec3f => (a,b,c)
py::tuple line1 = py::make_tuple(eqs.first[0], eqs.first[1], eqs.first[2]);
py::tuple line2 = py::make_tuple(eqs.second[0], eqs.second[1], eqs.second[2]);
return py::make_tuple(line1, line2);
py::arg("segment"), py::arg("radius"),
"Given a single segment (1x4 array) and a radius, returns 2 lines in (a,b,c) form.");

m.attr("__version__") = MACRO_STRINGIFY(VERSION_INFO);
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/pyfsg/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import annotations

from ._pyfsg import __doc__, __version__, add, subtract, Segment, Segments, SegmentClusters, GreedyMerger
from ._pyfsg import __doc__, __version__, GreedyMerger

__all__ = ["__doc__", "__version__", "add", "subtract", "Segment", "Segments", "SegmentClusters", "GreedyMerger", ]
__all__ = ["__doc__", "__version__", "GreedyMerger"]

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