Repository Contains :
(1) 120+ Leetcode SQL Question Solutions
(2) PostgreSQL Dump File (leetcodedb.sql)
How to Import dump file using command line terminal?
(1) Open terminal & open psql utility
user@my-machine:~$ psql
(2) Create Database (To import the dump file, database should be created priorly)
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE sample_db;
(3) Quit the psql promt
postgres=# \q
(4) From terminal, Load dump file into the newly created database using below command
user@my-machine:~$ pg_restore --host "" --port "5432" --username "postgres" --dbname "sample_db" --verbose "leetcodedb.sql"
How to Import dump file using PgAdmin tool?
(1) Open PgAdmin & Create Database
Servers -> Databases -> Create -> Database.. (Create Database dialog will get opened)
(2) Restore Dump File
Right Click on newly created Database & select Restore option from menu (Restore dialog will get opened)
Just Browse the dump file and keep other options as it is.
Notes :
(1) Do not just copy-paste and run the content of dump file into either "psql promt in terminal" or "query tool of pgadmin".
(Because dump file contains COPY commands not INSERTS,So doing such will cause errors.)
(2) Replace your configurations(host,port,username) in pg_restore command
(3) Table names are suffixed with question number.
(4) New solutions will get added as I solve them.