v0.6.0 (2021-05-08)
remove travis badge and format Cargo.toml
run cargo fmt
deps: update reqwest and tokio dependencies
release: version 0.6.0
update ci run flag
fix deploy folder issue
fix where docs feature was not available in stable
move from travis to github action
update release note workflow to latest
add bors
fix rustdoc command for travis ci
chnage badge style in readme
remove blocking api feature docs
remove blocking api example
update docs
add feature flag on docs using cfg attribute
README: fix table rendering
add support for custom function
remove unnesseary box from client
remove automatically client setup feature
remove income statement API
add support for custom http client and multiple client
add new type of error for json decoding fail
add no json returned from server error message for API
add income statement wrapper
add earning for company api wrapper
move from reqwest to surf
Add note error which is raised when API is called more than limit no of time
return String instead of returning enum for technical indicator metadata
BREAKING: change function name from set_with_env to set_from_env
issue where forex api was not working
flatten to serde Value as String was not supported
convert repeated code block to function call
rename field name from temporary_value to extras
decrease use statement and update some dependencies
move code to
move repeated get json from api code to function
fix newline style issue
change rustfmt config and format
You can’t perform that action at this time.