Easier Rabobank OmniKassa payments. Extracted from www.studysquare.nl. RDocs.
Supports Ruby 1.9.2, 1.9.3 and 2.0.0. Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'omni_kassa'
Run bundle
and add your personal configuration. The example below is the official test configuration.
secret_key: '002020000000001_KEY1',
merchant_id: '002020000000001',
key_version: 1,
currency_code: 978, # Euro
url: 'https://payment-webinit.simu.omnikassa.rabobank.nl/paymentServlet',
transaction_reference: lambda { |order_id| "omnikassatest#{Time.now.to_i}" },
customer_language: :nl
Using Rails? Use different OmniKassa configurations by adding them in their respective config/environments/{development,test,production}.rb
environment configuration files.
The example below uses an OrdersController#create
action to create an order from params[:order]
and sets up the OmniKassa request.
class OrdersController
def create
# Save order in database
@order = Order.create(params[:order])
# OmniKassa preparation
omnikassa = OmniKassa::Request.new
omnikassa.order_id = @order.id
omnikassa.amount = @order.amount
omnikassa.normal_return_url = payments_url
# Redirects user to OmniKassa
render text: omnikassa.perform
class PaymentsController
def create
response = OmniKassa::Response.new(params)
@order = Order.find(response.order_id)
return if response.pending? # Payment is pending; serve an explanation to the customer
if response.successful?
@order.payed = true
redirect_to root_url, success: "Payment succeeded"
redirect_to root_url, alert: "Payment failed"