In this Repository all components necessary for a room climate indicator are collected. With the sensor module Sensorion SCD30 the air quality is measured. The sensor is connected to a Witty Cloud Board equiped with the ESP8266 micro controller, which provides a web interface to controll the air quality sensor and manage the network connection of the system.
To rebuild this sensor you need the following components:
- CO2 & Temperature & Humidity Sensor (Sensirion SCD30)
- Witty Cloud ESP8266 Smart WiFi Modul
If you just want to download, flash and use the sensor with our latest firmware you'll find the neccessary files and instructions in the build folder.
If you like to make some changes to the software you need to compile the code before flashing to the Witty Board. Therefor we used:
- PlatformIO IDE for Visual Studio Code
This project was build on Windows 10. Rebuild was tested on Windows. Make sure you have Visual Studio Code and the Extension PlatformIO IDE sucessfully installed.
- self-printed or bought barebone
- optional bear case
- Micro USB for Power
- potentially USB Power Adapter
- Soldering