This repo is for internal use only. It contains useful information if you work with me:
My goal is that you thrive while here.
Use slack for quick chats. The best way to contact me is by slack or email. I usually answer in < 24-48 hours. In case of urgency, call me at my cell phone.
Schedules are flexible, but try to be in the lab a few central hours every day (unless in the field) or let me know if you work from home on a given day. I work at unconventinal hours, but I don't expect you to read emails outside your schedule.
Other than in Slack, I also share a lot of links on twitter and bluesky @ibartomeus (but I am becoming less active).
We organize regular lab meetings with Godoy lab at lunch time to discuss ideas, papers, etc…
Seminars at EBD are usually Thursday at 13:00 at CABIMER and attendance is highly encouraged.
Subscribe to boletin, tablondeanuncios and doctorando or postdoc ebd listservs if you want EBD information (boletin has the most critical info)
I have some interesting books, please use them but return them eventually.
Field work: Try not to go alone. If needed, notify where you are going to a contact person (could be anyone, but Curro or me are always available) and text/call the contact person when you are back.
Meetings: My door is open all time for quick questions, but google them first, google is better than me most of the time. Feel free to schedule meetings with me ad hoc to talk about your research (or career planing). Sending relevant files (e.g. ms, analysis, figs, git link) 24 hours in advance helps me be prepared for the meeting. I am also happy to read trough your ms, grants, etc.. (even if I am not a co-author on those).
If you use GitHub, GoogleDocs, .odt and well commented R code you will be more compatible with me (and my response will be faster). If you use Git, I’ll be happy. Start: BUT I can (try to) adapt to any software/lenguage you prefer.
You are responsible to back-up all your data and code.
We are an open lab, so all data, reviewer comments, grant applications, recommendation letters, and so on are available upon request.
Read this lab decalog: and this: and and
We have a code of conduct:
Learn how to enter data: and report stats:
RCE GitHub with useful notes about how to do things: (
-EBD resources: *Anuncio Sistema Reserva Coches: *Listín telefónico EBD: *Reserva de vehiculos: *Reserva de Salas: *Alojamientos a la RBD: (los alojamientos se gestionan en el correo [email protected] ) *Accesos a la RBD: *Saco EBD: *Compras:
- Lab resources:
- Bee icons:
- Insect collections.
- Pins, tweezers, scissors, nitrile gloves, alcohol, ethyl acetate.
- Binocular loupe, precision balance, thermometer,hygrometer, chronometer.
- Handnets, entomologic vacuum, entomological boxes.
- Plastic bottles, eppendorf tubes, tube racks, Glass beakers (different sizes), crystal jars (different sizes)
- Lab databases. (in construction now, but will be available to all eventually)