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Pullup Standup


Crossbar (configured in .crossbar/config.json)

  • Runs a Web server on port 8080:
    • WebSocket connection allows access to a real-time message bus, events are published from Python backend and the JS UI can make RPC calls to the backend.
    • Also serves UI, static files in web/build/.

Python Twisted server (

  • handles talking with proximity sensor (ADC), GPIO for RFID module.
  • maintains state of the service
  • maintains user and pullup record database
  • provides a series of RPC functions exposed via Crossbar. These RPC methods are called from the UI.
    • get_state
    • enroll
    • end_set
    • signout
    • set_threshold
  • publishes messages:
    • state updates

UI (React single-page webapp)

  • web/src/App.js
    • rendering is driven by backend state

Development workflow

Initial setup on dev host (laptop)

# Set up "pullup" in .ssh/config with proper tunneling.

# Install npm packages for dev environment.
(cd web && npm install)

# Continually rsync into ~/sw
watchman -- trigger ~/Dropbox/codex/pullup pullup -- bash -c "rsync -av --delete ~/Dropbox/codex/pullup/ pullup:sw/ --exclude pigpio --exclude users.json --exclude .*.swp"

Development environment:

# FIRST, Make sure localhost:8080 proxies to rpi's 8080 (via ssh tunnel)
#   .ssh/config:        LocalForward 8080 localhost:8080
#   or command line:    -L8080:localhost:8080
# because package.json "proxy" proxies /ws to localhost:8080

# Start a dev server. Viewable on localhost:3000
(cd web && npm start)

Deploy to device:

# Build a prod build, will be rsynced by watchman
(cd web && npm run build)

On-device setup:

ssh pullup

# Build & install pigpiod, then
sudo systemctl enable pigpiod

# crossbar is config'd by ~/sw/.crossbar/config.json
# crossbar serves static files from ~/sw/web/dist
# "pullup" : Python Twisted server - connects to crossbar.
sudo cp /home/pi/sw/systemd/* /lib/systemd/system/

sudo systemctl enable crossbar pullup pigpiod
sudo systemctl start pullup

# or run manually:
sudo systemctl stop pullup

vi .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
# add:


  • Raspberry Pi 3 + power adapter $50
  • TFT touch screen (SPI) 4" 320x480 WaveShare SpotPear - $26 (ebay)
  • Xceed ID XF1050-G Mini Mullion 125 kHz Wiegand Proximity HID® Card Reader - $17 (ebay)
  • ADS1115 ADC 4 Channel 16Bit I2C PGA Low Power Arduino Raspberry Pi 2 - $5
  • GP2Y0A21YK0F Sharp IR Analog Distance Sensor Distance 10-80CM Cable For Arduino - $5
  • Prototyping board and headers - $11
  • GoPro gooseneck mount
  • GoPro mount adapter for IR sensor - 3D printed
  • RPi enclosure - 3d printed
  • section of CAT6 cable used for sensor
  • Hose clamps to attach enclosure to pullup bar

Initial bringup

Install OSXFUSE and fuse-ext2:
sudo sed -e 's/OPTIONS="local"/OPTIONS="local,rw+"/g' -i.orig /Library/Filesystems/fuse-ext2.fs/fuse-ext2.util

Used to set up Wi Fi:

Setup timezone, locale (en-us.UTF8)

OzzMaker PiScreen setup

Generally, follow EXCEPT:

# /boot/config.txt:

# .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
@lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
@xscreensaver -no-splash
@sudo /bin/sh /etc/X11/Xsession.d/
# Really not sure why it's necessary. Xsession.d is not running automatically??

# To recalibrate (crazy workaround):
sudo rm /etc/pointercal.xinput
sudo killall Xorg; sleep 2; sudo killall Xorg; sleep 2
export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority; export DISPLAY=:0
xinput --set-prop 'ADS7846 Touchscreen' 'Evdev Axes Swap' 1
sudo /etc/X11/Xsession.d/


RFID Notes

WiFi dongle for 5GHz

4/11/2018 bought DWA-171 WiFi module w/5GHz support, since Pinterest Guest is no longer on 2.4GHz Installer script:

It failed. Brings down the whole USB bus. Possible overcurrent?


Software for Raspberry Pi-based pullup counter.






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