- in docs folder
- see docs/ for more info
- works seamlessly on github but can host wherever you want to
- mostly one page site with major contents in: index.html
- resources for judges, coaches, contestants, site directors, faq are in separate pages
- create a github project
- create docs folder inside project
- copy everything from this project (except .git folder) into the docs folder
- learn how Jekyll framework: works (not that bad...)
- try not to rename data field names in yml files. Only change the data values/contents
- add new fields if the names are not adequate for your needs
- you can test site locally before publishing any changes
- if you have any questions create issues and tag me @rambasnet
- data: that contents data/content of the site
- css: css files
- img: image files
- _includes: html include files that breaks the layout of the page into multiple files
- countdown clock:
- modify contestDateTime variable in script.html page
- contains the text/contents of the site that may need to be updated
- about.yml - data on about section
- host.yml - data for NA and World Final Hosts
- people.yml - data on people section (executive committee members)
- regions.yml - data on regions (regional names and links)
- site.yml - primary site information, name, heading, title, sponsortship contact, social media etc.
- sponsors.yml - data on sponsors (platinum, and gold...)
- custom.css - custom css to override theme's CSS
- all images, people, logos, background, etc.
- important include files to note:
- doctype-head.html
- header.html
- footer.html