AppForeach is open-source reference implementation of microservices architecture for .NET Platform. Main design goals are unobstructive cross-cutting concerns and quality of service attributes with emphasys on developer productivity.
Framework allows to create a business operation definition that is free from any infrastructure services and is easily unit testable.
public class CreateInvoiceCommand
// ... constructor and services injection ...
public async Task<CreateInvoiceOutput> Execute(CreateInvoiceInput input)
var entity = inputMapping.MapFrom(input);
entity.Number = invoiceNumberService.GenerateInvoiceNumber(entity);
await invoiceRepository.Create(entity);
return outputMapping.MapFrom(entity);
Such component can now be exposed as an endpoint, for example as a regular ASP.NET Web API method.
public class InvoiceController : WebApiController
public async Task<ObjectResult> Create(CreateInvoiceInput input)
return await operationMediator.Execute(input).Ok();
Alternatively same component can be registered to listen for service bus messages.
public class InvoiceMessageHost : MessageHost
public InvoiceMessageHost()
In both cases framework executes a set of pipelined middlewares between endpoint definition and actual business component. This enriches resulting software with needed non-functional features like logging, audit, authorization and unit of work management while keeping domain code clean.
Several documents describe architecture and main features of the framework.