#IntelliJ Tricks by Victor Rentea, Software Crafter and Trainer https://victorrentea.ro 17 years of java, 9 years of trainings Community: https://victorrentea.ro/community
Git: https://github.com/victorrentea/intellij-tips.git Branch: master Video Courses, Personal or Company Training
- Contains: person.first
- First letters: person.gfn
- Over-dot completion: p.gfn, S.ctm()
- Statics (CTRL-SPACE x 2): ctm, assertEquals
- ALT-ENTER in autocomplete suggestion > import static method
- TAB completion (overwriting)
- Boilerplate generation (vs ALT-INS): get/set/toString/hashCode
- Compatible type suggesions (CTRL-SHIFT-SPACE || ^⌥Space)
- x2 = Chain Completion (one dot deep); eg timeBased(_)
- Live Templates: main, sout
- CUSTOM: pf, logs
- Postfix Expansion: .sout .if .for .return
- CUSTOM: .assertThat, .log (
$EXPR$ .log)
- CUSTOM: .assertThat, .log (
- Complete Current Statement (CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER :: ⇧⌘Enter)
- if, method, class
- wrap call around eg Optional.ofNullable`
- Multi-cursor (ALT-J :: ^G); F3=skip; CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-J=all (demo on enum)
- Also: Alt-Drag and Alt-Shift-Click+Click...
- Surround with (CTRL-ALT-T :: ⌥⌘T): if, try
- Embrace Selection (&more): while text is selected, press any of: {"'`<([
- Expand Selection (CTRL-W :: ⌥ ↑)
- Quick Fix (ALT-ENTER :: ⌥ ⏎):
- Define Variable for expression
- Define new type/method
- Add parameters
- Delete dead code
- 100+ more 😊
Call hierarchy (CTRL-ALT-H :: ^⌥H)
Go to last edit place (CTRL-SHIFT-Backspace)
Bookmarks (F11 :: F3)
Next Occurrence of Token (F3 :: ⌘G)
Quick Definition (Ctrl-Shift-I :: ⌥ Space)
Show parameters (Ctrl-P)
Show type of current expression (Ctrl-Shift-P)
Clipboard History (CTRL-SHIFT-V :: ⇧⌘V)
Distraction Free (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F12)
- Alt-# for views
Back/Forward (CTRL-ALT-LEFT/RIGHT :: ⌘[ / ⌘])
Recent Files (CTRL-E :: ⌘E)
Recent Locations (CTRL-SHIFT-E)
- "KeyPromoterX" plugin
- ALT-Enter on .stream <--> for
- Collecting: ctl, cs, cj
- Skip ".stream()"...
- Fix "effectively final" with "Avoid mutation" quick fix
- Hundreds. That teach you coding practices.
- Aggressive_Refactoring.xml at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yBviYXPGtGe7ZNYJoaKxh8e1Yxzcr1el/view?usp=sharing
- Run inspection on ...
- Move variable definition closer to usages
- Move return closer
- My own little "Live-Coding" Plugin :)
- Shake your world
- Cognitive Complexity
- Lombok: @RAC @Slf4J
- QuickImport: assertThat... + 30 more
Note: Mac: ⌥ = "Option", ^ = "Ctrl"