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Browser API

Douglass Turner edited this page Apr 22, 2019 · 2 revisions

Browser API

To support integration with the host app the following browser method is provided:

  • setCustomCrosshairsHandler(mouseHandler)


Pass crosshair location with respect to contact map to host app. The data is transmitted as the crosshairs are manipulated across the contact map.

Parameters in contact map coordinate space:
xBP - crosshair x location. base-pair units.
yBP - crosshair y location. base-pair units.
startXBP - x origin. base-pair units.
startYBP - y origin. base-pair units.
endXBP - x origin. base-pair units.
endYBP - y origin. base-pair units.
interpolantX - crosshair x location. 0 - 1 units.
interpolantY - crosshair y location. 0 - 1 units.

    browser.setCustomCrosshairsHandler(({ xBP, yBP, startXBP, startYBP, endXBP, endYBP, interpolantX, interpolantY }) => {
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