InaSAFE is a contingency planning and preparedness tool for disasters. This django project provides various resources related to the InaSAFE project in particular:
- A user map
- Realtime Earthquake Reports
- Realtime Flood Reports
- Realtime Ash Reports
You can visit a running instance of this project at
These badges reflect the current status of our development branch:
Data: Open Database License Code: Free BSD License
Out intention is to foster wide spread usage of the data and the code that we provide. Please use this code and data in the interests of humanity and not for nefarious purposes.
We provide for simple deployment under a mix of docker and ansible. Please see the Docker Readme file for details.
We provide for simple deployment under a mix of docker and ansible. Please see the Docker Readme file for details.
The following method was not needed if you use our docker orchestration because it will set up everything. Instructions below was left for knowledge purposes.
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r REQUIREMENTS-dev.txt
cd django_project/core/settings
cp dev_${USER}.py
Now edit dev_ setting your database connection details as needed. We assume you have created a postgres (with postgis extentions) database somewhere that you can use for your development work. See for details on doing that.
Prepare your database and static resources by doing this:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
cd django_project
python migrate --settings=core.settings.dev_${USER}
python collectstatic --noinput --settings=core.settings.dev_${USER}
python runserver --settings=core.settings.dev_${USER}
We are heading towards using docker environment for production and development purposes between machines. By using Pycharm, we are able to setup development environment for debugging purposes
We are using multi docker-compose configuration files. This feature is only available for docker-compose version 1.5.0rc2 above. With this feature, Makefile configuration will adapt accordingly for Linux, OSX, and Windows environment. This resolves some issues with postgis containers not able to be created in OSX and Windows.
To run make, go to deployment
cd deployment
make build # will build environment and docker images for production purposes
make run # will run the server for production purposes
make collectstatic # will process static files (compressing, minifying)
make migrate # will migrate the database
make deploy # will do build, run, migrate, and collectstatic in one command
To run the make command for development environment, just append MODE=dev
in make command.
make deploy MODE=dev # deploy in development environment
A development environment has several benefit for code debugging:
- Ability to connect to python interpreter inside docker
- Ability to connect to postgis db inside docker
- Ability to run django deploy inside docker
- Ability to debug django deploy inside docker (so the code will be able to get a hotload feature)
All of the above will be explained in different section
Before configuration, make sure you run the environment using dev Mode:
make run MODE=dev
Go to Pycharm settings > Project Interpreter > Add remote interpreter.
Choose SSH and fill the following field:
Host: (your docker machine IP, or just localhost in linux docker environment)
Port: 61103
Username: root
Auth type: password
Password: docker
Interpreter path: /usr/local/bin/python
- Press Ok
Your docker postgis db can be accessed using your docker machine IP (or just
localhost in linux), with port 6543, user docker
and password docker
Just adapt pgAdmin 3 connection using this information.
For more information on how to use PyCharm features on this project refer to PyCharm Readme
After creating remote docker interpreter for this project, you can use the interpreter to create django configuration.
- Go to Run > Edit Configurations
- Fill the following information
Host: # so we can access it outside docker machine
Port: 8080 # we already portforward port 8080 to the outside of docker machine
Python Interpreter: (Choose remote docker interpreter that we made)
Environment: Add environment for DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=core.settings.dev_docker
If you want production settings (compressed staticfiles), use core.settings.prod_docker
Edit file path mappings. Go to Tools > Deployment > Configurations
Add new SFTP Connections. Fill the Following information
Visible for this project only: Check this
Type: SFTP
Host: Your docker machine IP (or localhost for linux)
Port: 61103
Root path: /
User: root
Auth type: password
Password: docker
Additionally you can check that the configurations is correct by clicking Test SFTP connections.
- Add Path mappings by clicking Mappings tab. Fill out the following mappings
(Your django_project directory) to /home/web/django_project
(Your deployment/static directory) to /home/web/static
Optionally, you can also add this:
(Your deployment/media directory) to /home/web/media
(Your deployment/reports directory) to /home/web/reports
- To run django, click Run or Debug respectively In debug mode, you can put breakpoints like you would do in local dev environment.