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quadrature comparison
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ShawnL00 committed Jan 14, 2025
1 parent 94c40dc commit eea3c67
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@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
Tensor Product Quadrature vs. Vioreanu-Rokhlin Quadrature for Plane Wave on Sphere
This test compares the absolute error of **Tensor Product Quadrature** and
**Vioreanu-Rokhlin Quadrature** against the number of discretization nodes
with matched total polynomial degree exactness.
Comparison of Polynomial Exactness
The following table summarizes the total degree of polynomial exactness of both quadrature methods
based on the order:
Order VR Exact_to Tensor Exact_to
1 2 3
2 4 5
3 5 7
4 7 9
5 8 11
6 10 13
7 12 15
8 14 17
9 15 19
10 17 21
11 19 23
12 20 25
13 22 27
14 24 29
15 25 31
16 27 33
17 28 35
18 30 37
19 32 39
Wave Function and Sphere Integral
The normal direction is:
d = [-5, 4, 1], n = d / <d, d>
The plane wave is defined as:
f(x) = exp(1j * n · x)
We compute the integral of the plane wave over a sphere of radius 1:
∫_sphere f dS ≈ 10.57423625632583807548
This value is obtained using Mathematica with a working precision of 21 digits.
Mathematica Code
Below is the Mathematica code used to define the wave function and compute the integral numerically:
n = Normalize[{-5, 4, 1}];
r = 1;
wave[θ_, φ_] :=
Exp[I r (n[[1]] Sin[θ] Cos[φ] +
n[[2]] Sin[θ] Sin[φ] +
n[[3]] Cos[θ])];
wave[θ, φ] * r^2 Sin[θ],
{θ, 0, Pi},
{φ, 0, 2 Pi},
WorkingPrecision -> 21

import meshmode.mesh.generation as mgen
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from meshmode.discretization import Discretization
from meshmode.discretization.poly_element import InterpolatoryQuadratureSimplexGroupFactory
from pytential.qbx import QBXLayerPotentialSource
from pytential import GeometryCollection, bind, sym
from arraycontext import flatten
from meshmode.array_context import PyOpenCLArrayContext
import pyopencl as cl

cl_ctx = cl.create_some_context()
queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx)
actx = PyOpenCLArrayContext(queue, force_device_scalars=True)

def quadrature(level, target_order, qbx_order, tensor=False):
if tensor:
from meshmode.mesh import TensorProductElementGroup
mesh = mgen.generate_sphere(1, target_order, uniform_refinement_rounds=level, group_cls=TensorProductElementGroup)
from meshmode.discretization.poly_element import InterpolatoryQuadratureGroupFactory
pre_density_discr = Discretization(actx, mesh, InterpolatoryQuadratureGroupFactory(target_order))
mesh = mgen.generate_sphere(1, target_order, uniform_refinement_rounds=level)
pre_density_discr = Discretization(actx, mesh, InterpolatoryQuadratureSimplexGroupFactory(target_order))

qbx = QBXLayerPotentialSource(pre_density_discr, target_order, qbx_order, fmm_order=False)
dis_stage = sym.QBX_SOURCE_STAGE1
places = GeometryCollection({"qbx": qbx}, auto_where=('qbx'))
density_discr = places.get_discretization("qbx", dis_stage)
ambient_dim = qbx.ambient_dim
dofdesc = sym.DOFDescriptor("qbx", dis_stage)

sources = density_discr.nodes()
weights_nodes = bind(places, sym.weights_and_area_elements(ambient_dim=3, dim=2, dofdesc=dofdesc))(actx)

sources_h = actx.to_numpy(flatten(sources, actx)).reshape(ambient_dim, -1)
weights_nodes_h = actx.to_numpy(flatten(weights_nodes, actx))

return sources_h, weights_nodes_h

def wave(x):
n = np.array([-5, 4, 1])
n = n / np.linalg.norm(n)
return np.exp(1j *, x))

def run_test(vr_target_orders, tensor_target_orders, refine_levels):
ref = 10.57423625632583807548

for vr_target_order, tensor_target_order in zip(vr_target_orders, tensor_target_orders):
print(f"{'VR Order'}: {vr_target_order}, Tensor Order: {tensor_target_order}")
print(f"{'VR Nodes':<15}{'Tensor Nodes':<15}{'VR Error':<20}{'Tensor Error':<20}")
print("-" * 70)
vr_result = []
tensor_result = []
vr_nodes = []
tensor_nodes = []
vr_err = []
tensor_err = []

for level in refine_levels:
# VR quadrature
qbx_order = vr_target_order
sources_h, weights_nodes_h = quadrature(level, vr_target_order, qbx_order=qbx_order)
vr_value =, weights_nodes_h)
vr_err.append(np.abs(vr_value - ref))

# Tensor quadrature
qbx_order = tensor_target_order
sources_h, weights_nodes_h = quadrature(level, tensor_target_order, qbx_order=qbx_order, tensor=True)
tensor_value =, weights_nodes_h)
tensor_err.append(np.abs(tensor_value - ref))


if tensor_err[-1] <= 1e-13 or vr_err[-1] <= 1e-13:


plt.semilogy(vr_nodes, vr_err, "o-", label=f"Vioreanu-Rokhlin (Order {vr_target_order})")
plt.semilogy(tensor_nodes, tensor_err, "o-", label=f"Tensor (Order {tensor_target_order})")
plt.xlabel(r"$\# \mathrm{nodes}$")
plt.ylabel(r"$\log_{10}(|\mathrm{abs\ err}|)$")
rf"$\log_{{10}}(|\mathrm{{abs\ err}}|) \ \mathrm{{vs}} \ \# \mathrm{{nodes}}$" "\n"
rf"$\mathrm{{VR\ order}} = {vr_target_order}, \mathrm{{Tensor\ order}} = {tensor_target_order}$"

if __name__ == "__main__":
refine_levels = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
vr_target_orders = [4, 9, 16]
tensor_target_orders = [3, 7, 13]
run_test(vr_target_orders, tensor_target_orders, refine_levels)

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