Our project 'ENCADRINI': is a conceptual proposal and implementation of a web application for project management, which will be used by multiple stakeholders and provide several benefits. With the aim of reducing administrative tasks and allowing teams to focus on high-value tasks, our 'ENCADRINI' application offers an information system for automating the management of final year and multidisciplinary projects for students at the Higher School of computer science Sidi Bel Abbes. This system will streamline the process for its various stakeholders.
files (handlerController.js , handler.js , Hello.js ) are here just as an exemple
to copy database to your server : cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin mysql -u root -p enter your password : drop database if exists ENCADRINI; create database if not exists ENCADRINI; use ENCADRINI;
open prompt command as administrator and : cd C:\Program Files\MySQL"MySQL Server 8.0" \bin mysql -u root -p ENCADRINI < [path]\ENCADRINI\encadrini-back\ENCADRINIDB.sql enter your password