KernelKraken is a Linux Kernel Module (LKM) Rootkit that works with with all linux kernel versions. Current features are:
- File hiding
- Directory hiding
- Process hiding
- Logged in user hiding
- Open ports hiding
- Local privilege escalation
- Anti-detection
run the make file with
then you can run the command
make install
to install the module into the kernel
The rootkit automatically hides files, direcoties, open ports and logged in users. All of the settings are located in hooks.h
kill -62 [ PID of process ]
The Process id given will be hidden from view
kill -64 [any PID]
The user that executed the above command will have root prileges.
kill -63 [any PID]
The rootkit will hide itself if visible or reveal itself if hidden. When hidden the rootkit is not removable.