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A gallery of sample apps based on the teal framework.

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The Stable version of the apps use the latest released packages while the dev version of the apps use the development packages which are installed from the main branch of the respective package repository. The specific versions used can be seen in the Session Info of the deployed app.

Stable version Dev version
basic-teal basic-teal
delayed-data delayed-data
custom-transform custom-transform
exploratory exploratory
safety safety
efficacy efficacy
patient-profile patient-profile
early-dev early-dev
longitudinal longitudinal
RNA-seq RNA-seq
python python

Running the apps

You can run any of these apps by just executing these two lines of code in your R console.

By sourcing the sourceme.R file you make sure that you have access to the restore_and_run()

Note: Make sure to install renv before you do this. Also, it is recommended that you create and use a Github PAT. Once you have the PAT, run the following:

Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = "your_access_token_here")

Running the restore_and_run("APP_NAME") will run the APP_NAME by restoring the packages using renv


# Run the basic-teal app


All teal sample apps are wrapped into this repository into it's own sub-directory. All development standards and practices that we currently use for teal app development also apply to this repository.


All the sample apps are automatically deployed every day using the CI in two channels:

  • stable channel: The code for the Teal apps is taken from the main branch of, and the NEST packages are installed from the main branch of GitHub. This is done using the deploy_stable.yaml.
  • dev channel: The code for the Teal apps is taken from the dev branch of and the NEST packages are installed from the last release tag of GitHub. This is done using the deploy_dev.yaml.

IMPORTANT: Although we can now test the unreleased features of the NEST packages in deployments, currently, the divergent dev and main branches must be managed and merged manually as needed to ensure that the apps work fine in both deployment channels, i.e., making sure to merge the app changes from dev to main by creating a PR.

Adding a sample app to

Adding a sample app involves the following steps:

Hard requirements

  1. Copy each sample app into a file named app.R into a sensible folder name inside it's own directory. The directory has to be named with the APP_NAME.
  2. Update the _internal/quarto/demo-apps.yml with a new app/title. This should be the APP_NAME. Also, edit the .github/workflows/deploy.yml with the path to the new app so it can be deployed.
  3. Run the _internal/utils/generate_app_readme.R to generate the readme for the app inside it's own directory.

Optional/Soft requirements

  1. You can snapshot the teal app dependencies using {renv} but make sure to snapshot using GitHub references to the teal packages.
  2. Create a GIF recording (LICEcap is a good tool for this). Make sure that the dimensions of the GIF is 970x555 px and the size is about 1 MB. Place the GIF inside the _internal/quarto/assets/img directory. Also, make sure that the name of the GIF is APP_NAME.gif. Also, make sure to place a static image with the name dimention called APP_NAME.png that will be displayed in the demo page when the card is not hovered.
  3. Add front-end tests with the help of cypress. Copy the contents of the js directory within some other app's directory inside your app directory to get the node dependencies. Place the cypress tests inside the tests/cypress inside your app's directory. Please refer to an existing app's tests so that the .github/deploy.yaml will automaticall run the cypress tests.


A Gallery of Exploratory Web Apps used for Analyzing Clinical Trial Data




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