The toolkit for ths Summer( However, it is not only for the summer, then you can use it for your FastAPI based applications if you comply with a little rule for RouterScanner.
summer-toolkit provides several helping modules.
- RouterScanner: scan and include APIRouters which comply with the naming rule automatically
- SimpleJinja2Templates: find the template's absolute path with just a template directory name
- Environment: properties and phase management module. It can manage properties each deployment phase separately
pip install git+
filename pattern:
# "router" is cutomizable.
coding convention
# The part of asterisk(*) must be the same.
*_router = APIRouter(tags=...)
from summer_toolkit.framework.router_scanner import RouterScanner
root_router = APIRouter(tags=['root'])
from summer_toolkit.framework.simple_jinja2_templates import SimpleJinja2Templates
# Just use like this, if the directory name for the templates is 'templates'
templates = SimpleJinja2Templates()
# specify the directory name
templates = SimpleJinja2Templates(directory='directory_name')
An example is in the
from summer_toolkit.utility.environment import Environment
env = Environment()
title = env.get_props('')
Setting deployment phase
# Environment Variable
# The file name of properties must be equal to the value of environment variable.
If there are no environment variable named 'SUMMER_DEPLOYMENT_PHASE', only the properties.yml is used. The default properties are merged with the phase properties. A phase property which has the same name with a default property overrides it.