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simondfoster committed May 24, 2024
2 parents 4a7e914 + 5637ca1 commit ecba23a
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Showing 17 changed files with 1,646 additions and 54 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ITree_Deadlock.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ text \<open> Deadlock is an interaction with no visible event \<close>
definition deadlock :: "('e, 'r) itree" where
"deadlock = Vis {}\<^sub>p"

abbreviation stop where "stop \<equiv> deadlock"

lemma stable_deadlock [simp]: "stable deadlock"
by (simp add: deadlock_def)

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ROOT
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ session "ITree_RoboChart" in "RoboChart" = "ITree_UTP" +
options [timeout = 600, document = pdf, document_output = "output"]

Expand All @@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ session "RoboChart_ChemicalDetector_autonomous" in "RoboChart/examples/RoboChart
options [timeout = 600, document = pdf, document_output = "output"]
Expand Down
79 changes: 75 additions & 4 deletions RoboChart/ITree_RoboChart.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,69 @@
section \<open> RoboChart semantics \<close>

theory ITree_RoboChart
imports "Interaction_Trees.ITree_Extraction" "HOL-Library.Numeral_Type"
imports "Interaction_Trees.ITree_Extraction"

unbundle Z_Relation_Syntax

subsection \<open> CSP operators \<close>
definition stop where "stop = deadlock"

definition par_hide where
"par_hide P s Q = (hide (P \<parallel>\<^bsub> s \<^esub> Q) s)"

text \<open> Events are hidden based on their order in a list. \<close>
definition prhide where
"prhide P es = foldl (\<lambda> Q e. hide Q {e}) P es"
definition hidep (infixl "\<setminus>\<^sub>p" 90) where
"hidep P es = foldl (\<lambda> Q e. hide Q {e}) P es"

definition par_hidep where
"par_hidep P s Q = (hidep (P \<parallel>\<^bsub> set s \<^esub> Q) s)"

text \<open> A process's state must be discarded before being in parallel composition. \<close>
definition discard_state where
"discard_state P = do {P ; skip}"

term "map_pfun"
term "rename a"

text \<open> Domain restriction of an associative list \<close>
definition rel_domres_l :: "'a set \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list" (infixr "\<lhd>\<^sub>r\<^sub>l" 85) where
"rel_domres_l A al = [m. m \<leftarrow> al, fst m \<in> A]"

text \<open> Drop pairs @{text "(x,y)"} where @{text "y"} is in @{text "A"}.
With this definition, we can give priority to the pair with a small index and remove remaining pairs
with the same value in the image.
For example, @{text "filter_out [(a1, b1), (a2, b2), (a3, b1)] = [(a1, b1), (a2, b2)]"}
where @{text "(a3, b1)"} is filtered out because @{text "b1"} is mapped to @{text "a1"} in the
beginning of the list.
primrec drop_dup :: "('a \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> 'b set \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list" where
"drop_dup [] A = []" |
"drop_dup (x#xs) A =
(if (snd x) \<in> A then (drop_dup xs A)
else (x # (drop_dup xs (A \<union> {snd x}))))"

value "drop_dup [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2)] {}::(int \<times> int) list"

abbreviation "drop_dup' l \<equiv> drop_dup l {}"

text \<open> Another form of renaming whose renaming maps are an associative list. Priority, therefore,
can be given to the pairs in the beginning of the list when renaming causes nondeterminism.
primcorec renamep :: "('e\<^sub>1 \<times> 'e\<^sub>2) list \<Rightarrow> ('e\<^sub>1, 'a) itree \<Rightarrow> ('e\<^sub>2, 'a) itree" where
"renamep \<rho> P =
(case P of
Ret x \<Rightarrow> Ret x |
Sil P \<Rightarrow> Sil (renamep \<rho> P) |
Vis F \<Rightarrow> Vis (map_pfun (renamep \<rho>) (F \<circ>\<^sub>p graph_pfun ((set (drop_dup' (pdom F \<lhd>\<^sub>r\<^sub>l \<rho>)))\<inverse>))))"

abbreviation renamep':: "('e\<^sub>1, 'a) itree \<Rightarrow> ('e\<^sub>1 \<times> 'e\<^sub>2) list \<Rightarrow> ('e\<^sub>2, 'a) itree" ("_\<lbrace>_\<rbrace>\<^sub>p" 59) where
"renamep' P \<rho> \<equiv> renamep \<rho> P"

subsection \<open> RoboChart types \<close>
type_synonym core_bool = bool
type_synonym core_nat = natural
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,6 +165,34 @@ datatype InOut = din | dout
definition "InOut_list = [din, dout]"
definition "InOut_set = set InOut_list"

instantiation InOut :: enum
definition enum_InOut :: "InOut list" where
"enum_InOut = InOut_list"

definition enum_all_InOut :: "(InOut \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"enum_all_InOut P = (\<forall>b :: InOut \<in> set enum_class.enum. P b)"

definition enum_ex_InOut :: "(InOut \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"enum_ex_InOut P = (\<exists>b :: InOut \<in> set enum_class.enum. P b)"

proof (intro_classes)
show "distinct (enum_class.enum :: InOut list)"
by (simp add: enum_InOut_def InOut_list_def)

show univ_eq: "UNIV = set (enum_class.enum:: InOut list)"
apply (simp add: enum_InOut_def InOut_list_def)
apply (auto simp add: enum_UNIV)
by (meson InOut.exhaust)

fix P :: "InOut \<Rightarrow> bool"
show "enum_class.enum_all P = Ball UNIV P"
and "enum_class.enum_ex P = Bex UNIV P"
by (simp_all add: univ_eq enum_all_InOut_def enum_ex_InOut_def)

subsection \<open> Channels and Events\<close>
text \<open> The @{text "mapfc"} and @{text "mapf"} together are used to enumerate events
for a collection of channels. \<close>
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32 changes: 9 additions & 23 deletions RoboChart/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,29 +1,17 @@
This folder contains theories and examples for animation of RoboChart.

# Installation
1. Download and install [Isabelle2021](
2. Install GHC for Haskell, see [here]( for details.
2. Clone the following repositories inside a folder (for example, `/path/to/repos`).
- [Mirror AFP 2021](
- [Z Toolkit](
- [Shallow Expressions](
- [Interaction Trees (robochart branch)](

3. Create a `ROOTS` file in `/path/to/repos` with content below.

4. Load Isabelle/jedit
# Animate RoboChart
## Prebuild-image
Load the theory `examples/RoboChart_basic_v1/RoboChart_basic_v1_1.thy` for animation, then move your cursor to a line `animate1 D_PatrolMod_p_sim` to animate. When the cursor stops there, code generator starts to generate Haskell code, and compile. Usually, we will see below on the `Output` window.
$ /path/to/Isabelle2021/bin/isabelle jedit -d /path/to/repos
See theory exports
Compiling animation...
See theory exports
Start animation
Then click `Start animation`.

# Animate RoboChart
## Standard
General steps are shown below. Please see instructions in each specific example for further considerations.

1. Open the main theory file for a RoboChart model, such as `RoboChart_basic.thy` for the model in `examples/RoboChart_basic.thy/`
Expand All @@ -45,5 +33,3 @@ $ ghci main.hs
$ ghc -g main.hs
$ ./main

Please note that we do have a customised Isabelle2021 version on which the animation process is very much simplified. All work is done in Isabelle. The only thing users need to do is to click an **animate1** command for animation, which will automatically export Haskell, compile into an executable, and then execute the animation on console of jedit. However, this particular version is for experiment only.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ begin
generate_file \<open>code/simulate/Simulate.hs\<close> = \<open>
module Simulate (simulate) where
import Interaction_Trees;
import Partial_Fun;
import Prelude;
-- import Partial_Fun;
import System.IO;
import qualified Data.List.Split;
import qualified Data.List;
-- These library functions help us to trim the "_C" strings from pretty printed events
Expand All @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ removeSubstr w "" = "";
removeSubstr w s@(c:cs) = (if w `isPrefixOf` s then Prelude.drop (Prelude.length w) s else c : removeSubstr w cs);
replace :: String -> String -> String -> String;
replace old new = Data.List.intercalate new . Data.List.Split.splitOn old;
replace old new orig = orig;-- Data.List.intercalate new . old;
renameGasEvent :: String -> String;
renameGasEvent gas =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,12 +117,12 @@ structure ISim_Path = Theory_Data
fun simulator_setup thy =
let open Isabelle_System; val tmp = Path.expand (create_tmp_path "itree-simulate" "")
in case (ISim_Path.get thy) of NONE => () | SOME oldtmp => rm_tree oldtmp;
mkdir tmp; (tmp, ISim_Path.put (SOME tmp) thy)
make_directory tmp; (tmp, ISim_Path.put (SOME tmp) thy)
fun sim_files_cp tmp =
fun sim_files_cp ghc tmp =
"(fn path => let open Isabelle_System; val path' = Path.append path (Path.make [\"code\", \"simulate\"])" ^
" in writeln \"Compiling animation...\"; bash (\"cd \" ^ Path.implode path' ^ \"; ghc Simulation >> /dev/null\") ; copy_dir path' (Path.explode \"" ^ tmp ^ "\") end)"
" in writeln \"Compiling animation...\"; bash (\"cd \" ^ Path.implode path' ^ \"; " ^ ghc ^ " Simulation >> /dev/null\") ; copy_dir path' (Path.explode \"" ^ tmp ^ "\") end)"
open Named_Target
Expand All @@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ fun prep_simulation model thy ctx =
let open Generated_Files;
val (tmp, thy') = simulator_setup (Local_Theory.exit_global ctx);
val ctx' = Named_Target.theory_init thy'
val ghc = getenv "ISABELLE_GHC"
val _ = if (ghc = "") then error "GHC is not set up. Please set the environment variable ISABELLE_GHC." else ()
generate_file (Path.binding0 (Path.make ["code", "simulate", "Simulation.hs"]), (Input.string (simulation_file model thy))) ctx' |>
(fn ctx' =>
Expand All @@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ fun prep_simulation model thy ctx =
[([], (Local_Theory.exit_global ctx')), ([Path.binding0 (Path.make ["code", "simulate", "Simulate.hs"])], @{theory})]
[] [([Path.binding0 (Path.make ["code", "simulate", "Simulation"])], SOME true)]
(Path.binding0 (Path.make []))
(Input.string (sim_files_cp (Path.implode tmp)))
(Input.string (sim_files_cp ghc (Path.implode tmp)))
in ctx' end)
Expand All @@ -157,13 +159,13 @@ fun prep_simulation model thy ctx =
fun run_simulation thy =
case ISim_Path.get thy of
NONE => error "No animation" |
SOME f => writeln (Active.run_system_shell_command (SOME (Path.implode f)) ("./Simulation") "Start animation")
SOME f => writeln (Active.run_system_shell_command (SOME (Path.implode f)) ("./simulate/Simulation") "Start animation")
fun simulate model thy =
let val ctx = Named_Target.theory_init thy
val ctx' =
(Code_Target.export_code true [Code.read_const (Local_Theory.exit_global ctx) model] [((("Haskell", ""), SOME ({physical = false}, (Path.explode "simulate", Position.none))), (Token.explode (Thy_Header.get_keywords' @{context}) Position.none "string_classes"))] ctx)
|> prep_simulation model (Context.theory_name thy)
|> prep_simulation model (Context.theory_name {long = false} thy)
in run_simulation (Local_Theory.exit_global ctx'); (Local_Theory.exit_global ctx')
Expand Down
Binary file not shown.

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