A simple task manager using Django/DRF + Postgresql
- Intuition
- What I used
- What patterns I followed
- Local development
- Doing stuff related to the project
- Debugging
- Project conventions
Just a fun project to code a simple task manager app just to show how I code in Django. To complate this project I used:
- Django
- Django rest framework
- Postgresql
- A TDD approach
To show a little power what a Django project could have and also to follow best practices I used the following concepts:
- env vars to hide secrets for our DB,
- Django's ORM to use our Database
- DRF's serializers to serialize incoming data
- DRF's viewsets to return our data in JSON format
- DRF's custom actions to update our task's state
- DRF's APITestCase to write tests
- FactoryBoy to use factories for our models
- django-filter to have filters on our endpoints
- django-environ to configure our Dj app with env vars
- drf-spectacular to provide OpenAPI/Swagger docs
- GitHub actions for CI/CD support
To keep following the best practices and to have my code more structured I decided to follow the patterns below:
- MVT - it is provided and suggested by the Django doc's itself.
- Serializers - put serialization into a separate class so our views are only responsible for returning parsed data
To make this project work you first need to set up the required env vars:
POSTGRES_DB=<your postgresql database name>
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<your postgresql users password>
POSTGRES_USER=<your postgresql username>
POSTGRES_HOST=db (because we are using docker containers)
POSTGRES_PORT=5432 (the default port for postgresql)
DEBUG=<1 if you want DEBUG on else 0)
DJANGO_SECRET=<your django secret>
ALLOWED_HOSTS= (because we are working locally)
INTERNAL_IPS= (the same as above)
OPENAPI_ENABLED=<1 if you want to use OPENAPI docs else 0>
Build and the application with the following:
docker compose up app
You can run it in the background if you use the -d
docker compose up -d app
This will run 2 containers: app and db. Review the interactive API documentation at
If you want to develop with docker compose you will need sometimes to execute commands inside the app's container because the whole environment is there. This is separate from your computer's environment. Entering the container is also necessary because all the env vars are loaded from the .env file, and they will help you run your project smoothly.
All the commands below this paragraph will require you to enter the container first. To do that please run one of the following commands:
docker compose run --rm app bash
docker exec -it taskmanager-app bash
The first one creates a separate container if you have the project already running. The second one will enter the running container itself.
If you want to modify database, start with changing the code in <django_app>/models. Be sure that your app is in the setting's INSTALLED_APPS list. Then generate a migration file with the following command:
python manage.py makemigrations <app_name>
Apply the migration with:
python manage.py migrate <app_name>
This will create an Admin user for you. It will ask for the basic information it needs to create an account. Use the following command
python manage.py createsuperuser
From now on you will have access to the admin's panel at
Remember to be inside the container. Use the following command to execute all tests using the Django's testrunner:
python manage.py test
Or you can run specific Apps/TestCases/tests by narrowing the command above:
python manage.py test <app_name>
python manage.py test <app_name>.tests.<class_name>
python manage.py test <app_name>.tests.<class_name>.<test_name>
You can debug your project using a debugger. When working with docker containers it's easier to use a debugger called WDB. It allows to debug your workflow at runtime using a web browser. You can debug tests or flows using the installed wdb debugger. Don't worry, the docker-compose.yml file sets the necessary environment variables:
First, place a breakpoint:
The start the WDB container in the background:
docker compose up -d wdb
After that run your piece of code and check the statement inside the interactive console at:
The project follows some specific conventions thanks to pre-commit:
- isort
- black
- flake8
- no-commit-to-branch (main branch)
- bandit
- docformatter
- python-safety-dependencies-check
- gitlint
To install the GitHub pre-commit hooks. This can be done in your virtual environment by:
pre-commit install