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Experiment with Kafka, Debezium, and ksqlDB. research-service: Performs MySQL record manipulation. Source Connectors: Monitor MySQL changes, push messages to Kafka. Sink Connectors and kafka-research-consumer: Listen to Kafka, insert/update Elasticsearch. ksqlDB-Server: Listens to Kafka, performs joins, and pushes new messages to new Kafka topics.

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The goal of this project is to explore Kafka, Debezium, and ksqlDB. The project includes: research-service, which performs CRUD operations on records in MySQL; Source Connectors that monitor changes in MySQL and push related messages to Kafka; Sink Connectors and kafka-research-consumer that listen to Kafka messages and update documents in Elasticsearch; and ksqlDB-Server, which listens to Kafka topics, performs joins, and pushes new messages to Kafka.

Proof-of-Concepts & Articles

On, I have compiled my Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and articles. You can easily search for the technology you are interested in by using the filter. Who knows, perhaps I have already implemented a PoC or written an article about what you are looking for.

Additional Readings

Project Diagram



  • research-service

    Monolithic Spring Boot application that exposes a REST API to manage Institutes, Articles, Researchers and Reviews. The data is saved in MySQL.


  • kafka-research-consumer

    Spring Boot application that listens messages from the topic reviews_researchers_institutes_articles (that is one of ksqlDB outputs) and save the payload of those messages (i.e, reviews with detailed information) in Elasticsearch.


Start Environment

  • Open a terminal and, inside the springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb root folder, run the following command

    docker compose up -d

    Note: During the first run, Docker images for mysql and kafka-connect will be built with the names springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb_mysql and springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb_kafka-connect, respectively. To rebuild these images, run:

    docker compose build
  • Wait for all Docker containers to be up and running. To check it, run

    docker ps -a

Create Kafka Topics

In order to have topics in Kafka with more than 1 partition, we must create them manually and not wait for the connectors to create for us. So, for it

  • In a terminal, make sure you are in the springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb root folder

  • Run the script below


    It will create the topics mysql.researchdb.institutes, mysql.researchdb.researchers, mysql.researchdb.articles and with 5 partitions.

Create connectors (3/4)

  • In a terminal, make sure you are in the springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb root folder

  • Run the following curl commands to create one Debezium and two Elasticsearch-Sink connectors in kafka-connect

    curl -i -X POST localhost:8083/connectors -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @connectors/debezium-mysql-source-researchdb.json
    curl -i -X POST localhost:8083/connectors -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @connectors/elasticsearch-sink-institutes.json
    curl -i -X POST localhost:8083/connectors -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @connectors/elasticsearch-sink-articles.json
  • You can check the state of the connectors and their tasks on Kafka Connect UI (http://localhost:8086) or calling kafka-connect endpoint

    curl localhost:8083/connectors/debezium-mysql-source-researchdb/status
    curl localhost:8083/connectors/elasticsearch-sink-institutes/status
    curl localhost:8083/connectors/elasticsearch-sink-articles/status
  • The state of the connectors and their tasks must be RUNNING. If there is any problem, you can check kafka-connect container logs.

    docker logs kafka-connect

Run research-service

  • Open a new terminal and navigate to the springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb root folder

  • Run the command below to start the application

    ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects research-service"-Dserver.port=9080"

    It will create some articles, institutes and researchers. If you don't want it, just set to false the properties load-samples.articles.enabled, load-samples.institutes.enabled and load-samples.researchers.enabled in application.yml.

  • The Swagger link is http://localhost:9080/swagger-ui.html

  • Important: create at least one review so that and are created in Schema Registry. Below there is a sample request to create a review.

    curl -i -X POST localhost:9080/api/reviews \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d "{ \"researcherId\": 1, \"articleId\": 1, \"comment\": \"Ln 56: replace the 'a' by 'an'\"}"

Run ksqlDB-cli

  • Open a new terminal and, inside the springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb root folder, run the docker command below to start ksqlDB-cli

    docker run -it --rm --name ksqldb-cli \
      --network springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb_default \
      -v $PWD/docker/ksql/researchers-institutes.ksql:/tmp/researchers-institutes.ksql \
      -v $PWD/docker/ksql/reviews-researchers-institutes-articles.ksql:/tmp/reviews-researchers-institutes-articles.ksql \
      confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli:7.8.0 http://ksqldb-server:8088
  • On ksqlDB-cli command line, run the following commands

    • Set auto.offset.reset value

      SET 'auto.offset.reset' = 'earliest';
    • Run the following script. It will create researchers_institutes topic

      RUN SCRIPT '/tmp/researchers-institutes.ksql';
    • Check whether the topic was created

      DESCRIBE "researchers_institutes";
      SELECT * FROM "researchers_institutes" EMIT CHANGES LIMIT 5;
    • Run the script below. It will create reviews_researchers_institutes_articles topic

      RUN SCRIPT '/tmp/reviews-researchers-institutes-articles.ksql';
    • Check whether the topic was created

      DESCRIBE "reviews_researchers_institutes_articles";
      SELECT * FROM "reviews_researchers_institutes_articles" EMIT CHANGES LIMIT 1;

Create connectors (4/4)

  • In a terminal, make sure you are in the springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb root folder

  • Run the curl command below to create elasticsearch-sink-researchers connector in kafka-connect

    curl -i -X POST localhost:8083/connectors -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @connectors/elasticsearch-sink-researchers.json
  • You can check the state of the connector and its task on Kafka Connect UI (http://localhost:8086) or calling kafka-connect endpoint

    curl localhost:8083/connectors/elasticsearch-sink-researchers/status

Run kafka-research-consumer

  • Open a new terminal and navigate to the springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb root folder

  • Run the command below to start the application

    ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects kafka-research-consumer"-Dserver.port=9081"

    The command below generates the Java class ReviewMessage from Avro file present in src/main/resources/avro

    ./mvnw generate-sources --projects kafka-research-consumer
  • This service runs on port 9081. The health endpoint is http://localhost:9081/actuator/health

  • [Optional] We can start another kafka-research-consumer instance by opening another terminal and running

    ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects kafka-research-consumer"-Dserver.port=9082"


  • Go to the terminal where ksql-cli is running

  • On ksql-cli command line, run the following query

    SELECT * FROM "reviews_researchers_institutes_articles" EMIT CHANGES;
  • In another terminal, call the research-service simulation endpoint

    curl -X POST localhost:9080/api/simulation/reviews \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d "{\"total\": 100, \"sleep\": 100}"
  • The GIF below shows it. research-service is running in the upper left terminal; kafka-research-consumer is running in the upper right terminal; the middle terminal is used to submit the POST request to research-service. The lower terminal is where ksql-cli is running.


  • You can also query Elasticsearch

    curl "localhost:9200/reviews/_search?pretty"

Useful Links/Commands

  • Kafka Topics UI

    Kafka Topics UI can be accessed at http://localhost:8085

  • Kafka Connect UI

    Kafka Connect UI can be accessed at http://localhost:8086

  • Schema Registry UI

    Schema Registry UI can be accessed at http://localhost:8001

  • Schema Registry

    You can use curl to check the subjects in Schema Registry

    • Get the list of subjects
      curl localhost:8081/subjects
    • Get the latest version of the subject mysql.researchdb.researchers-value
      curl localhost:8081/subjects/mysql.researchdb.researchers-value/versions/latest
  • Kafka Manager

    Kafka Manager can be accessed at http://localhost:9000


    • First, you must create a new cluster. Click on Cluster (dropdown on the header) and then on Add Cluster
    • Type the name of your cluster in Cluster Name field, for example: MyCluster
    • Type zookeeper:2181 in Cluster Zookeeper Hosts field
    • Enable checkbox Poll consumer information (Not recommended for large # of consumers if ZK is used for offsets tracking on older Kafka versions)
    • Click on Save button at the bottom of the page.
  • Elasticsearch

    Elasticsearch can be accessed at http://localhost:9200

    • Get all indices
      curl "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v"
    • Search for documents
      curl "localhost:9200/articles/_search?pretty"
      curl "localhost:9200/institutes/_search?pretty"
      curl "localhost:9200/researchers/_search?pretty"
      curl "localhost:9200/reviews/_search?pretty"
  • MySQL

    • Access MySQL monitor

      docker exec -it -e MYSQL_PWD=secret mysql mysql -uroot --database researchdb
    • Inside the monitor, run the following SELECT command

      SELECT AS review_id, AS article_id, c.title AS article_title, AS reviewer_id, b.first_name, b.last_name, b.institute_id, a.comment \
      FROM reviews a, researchers b, articles c \
      WHERE a.researcher_id = and a.article_id =;

    Type exit to leave MySQL terminal


  • Go to the terminals where research-service and kafka-research-consumer are running and press Ctrl+C to stop them
  • Go to the terminal where ksql-cli is running and press Ctrl+C to stop the SELECT; then, type exit
  • To stop and remove docker compose containers, network and volumes, go to a terminal and, inside the springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb root folder, run the command below
    docker compose down -v


To remove the Docker images created by this project, go to a terminal and, inside the springboot-kafka-connect-debezium-ksqldb root folder, run the following script



Experiment with Kafka, Debezium, and ksqlDB. research-service: Performs MySQL record manipulation. Source Connectors: Monitor MySQL changes, push messages to Kafka. Sink Connectors and kafka-research-consumer: Listen to Kafka, insert/update Elasticsearch. ksqlDB-Server: Listens to Kafka, performs joins, and pushes new messages to new Kafka topics.







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