Merinjei bot is system for facebook page maintenance. Developed as my Graduation project for Technology School Electronic Systems
The idea behind him is to make facebook page maintenance easier than ever. If you start using the bot your only job will be to post new content in your page.Everything else will be covered by your fellow Merinjei.
He will control the hate comments by deleting them so that your page stays clean and positive.
Also he has a chat bot which you can add to your facebook page so that not only you will have 100%
responding rate but also your clients will be able to communicate with the page whenever they want to and get imidiate response.
The chatbot is using online services for question answering for the moment the bot uses only StackOverflow.
The application is hosted on However yet it is not usable from non-testers as Facebook's policy states code review for the project before it gets released so that they are sure the application is not malicious in any way.
Firstly you should find yourself an https comminication and domain for it. I would suggest you to use ngrok it is very easy to setup and use.
To use ngrok simply after installing it type: On linux:
ngrok http 8000
On Windows:
ngrok.exe http 8000
Secondly you will need to create yourself an application in Facebook. After creating one you should add to it some of their products:
- Facebook login
- Messenger
- Webhooks
Note that you should add to the Facebook login app your domain in the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs
The next step is to install the dependencies for the project. There are two ways for the moment:
- Install pip:
curl -o
- Install the dependencies:
pip install pip_requirements.txt
python -m nltk.downloader all
- Install conda
- Run the environment:
conda env create --file conda_environment.yml
Open the merinjei_bot\merinjeiweb\ and put your data according to your application in the certain variables. Where
APP_ID = '' # The APP Id which facebook has given for your application.
DOMAIN = '' # The domain which you are using and is added to the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs in FB
VERIFY_TOKEN = '' # A token which facebook will use for authenticate your application. You pick it.
APP_SECRET = '' # The secret code which facebook has given for you application. It can be taken from the dashboard of your application from
Navigate to the merinjeiweb folder and run the application:
cd merinjeiweb
- Hatespeech classifier
- Question type classifier
- Query extraction and answer summarization
- Full integration with Facebook