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Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself from a variety of serious illnesses and their complications, which can even lead to death (Pfizer, 2022). The printed vaccination card is still used for vaccine control. However, there is a risk of loss, theft or misplacement, and forgetting the dates of the next vaccines. In this sense, My Health aims to implement a digital vaccination portfolio to control the vaccines received, including the image of the vaccination receipt as well as the dates of the next doses.
Idea and visual concept created by professor Henrique Shishido and made by Kenji Iwatani
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/iwataniKenji/my-health
# Access the project directory
$ cd my-health
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# Rename '.env.example' to '.env' and set your env variable
$ ren ".env.example" ".env"
# Start bundle at expo
$ yarn start start
# Download expo app on your phone and scan the QR Code
- Authentication and password recover system
- Drawer and stack navigation
- Vaccine listing integrated with filters
- Image upload through expo-image-picker and Firebase storage
- Data persistence with Firestore database
- Organized project structure and architecture
- Full application made with typescript