Cisco NSOSDK have multiple RESTAPIs that we can use to perform certain action using Cisco NSO.
show_command: method is used to get the show command from the router.
config_validator: method is used to validate the configuration this is the best feature in NSO to check the configuration before sending to the router.
add_device: method is used to add the device in NSO.
send_command: method is used to push the configuration on the router.
sync_from: method used to sync the network devices with NSO.
device_platform: This method use to get the Device detail including version,serial number,model.
from nsosdk import NSOSDK
nsosdk = NSOSDK('USERNAME','PWD','IP_ADDRESS','8080')
output = nsosdk.show_command('DEVICE-1','show run int loopback0')
cmd = '''
router ospf 234
network point-to-point
config_val = nsosdk.config_validator(cmd)
add_device = nsosdk.add_device("APIDevice","","MYDEVICE","telnet","unlocked")