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Auth and User Demo

Uses SvelteKit, Supabase, and SSR Auth.

Code Showcase

  • Email sign-up/sign-in.
  • Phone OTP sign-in.
  • Reset password for email sign-in.
  • Anonymous sign in.
  • Convert Anonymous user to permanent user.
  • GitHub sign-in. Can easily be changed to other oauth providers.
  • Requires a session to access all pages under the authenticated layout group.
  • Add, change, remove custom nickname user_metadata on the /self page.
  • Add or change a user's phone number on the /self page.
  • Delete a user on the /self page - if needed, when playing around with the demo.

All actions happen server-side.


  1. A Supabase account.
  2. A Supabase project.


git clone
cd sveltekit-supabase-ssr
npm install


  1. Environment variables.

    Rename the .env.example file to .env.local in your project's root directory and assign values. They can be found in your Supabase project's dashboard at Project Settings > Data API. !!! Never expose your JWT_SECRET on the client side !!!

  2. If using the signup, magiclink, or reset password features, change their email template anchor links per the below. In your Supabase project's dashboard, go to Authentication > Emails.

    All need this: href="{{ .SiteURL }}/auth/confirm?token_hash={{ .TokenHash }}&type=email", which should replace the {{ .ConfirmationURL }}, and then there are some additions for magic link and reset:

    • Magic Link: add &next=/app at the end of the above href.
    • Reset Password: add &next=/self at the end of the above href.
  3. Site URL and Redirect URLs. In your Supabase project's dashboard, go to Authentication > URL Configuration, and change them to reflect the below.

    • Site:
      • http://localhost:5173
    • Redirects:
      • http://localhost:5173/auth/confirm
      • http://localhost:5173/auth/callback
  4. User and provider settings. In your Supabase project's dashbord, go to Authentication > Sign In / Up

    • Under "User Signups", ensure that all three settings are enabled.
    • Under "Auth Providers", enable and configure the relevant ones for you.
      • If using the phone OTP login, you must setup an SMS provider. You can use Twilio Verify and get a $15 credit.


npm run dev

Open a browser to http://localhost:5173


Within the (authenticated) layout group, we have a +page.server.ts file for each route. This ensures that even during client navigation the hooks.server.ts file is run so that we can verify there's still a session before rendering the page.

We check for and fully validate the session by calling event.locals.getSession(). Inside that function, we verify the access_token, aka JWT, and use it's decoded contents to help create a validated session for use on the server-side.

Full validation is important because sessions are stored in a cookie sent from a client. The client could be an attacker with just enough information to bypass checks within supabase.auth.getSession() and possibly render data for a victim user. See this discussion for details.

!!! Just verifying the JWT does not validate other information within getSession's session.user object; this is a big reason why we do the "full validation" by replacing its contents using info from the verified and decoded JWT. See discussion link above. !!!