Joy L. Kolia
This is a simple Dairy Business - milk production management site with the functionalities of displaying sheds available in the farm,adding a new shed, entering and printing records of milk in each shed in a day and the total production on that day, and an option to estimate the milk production weekly, monthly and yearly.
Before you continue, ensure you have met the following requirements:
Have a text-editor installed on your computer(Preferably Visual studio code)
You need to have git installed on your computer
You have a basic understanding of the git commands and requirements
- Open your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)
- Install git using this command:
$ sudo apt install git-all
To acces this project, you need to clone it using these steps;
- Open your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)
- Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.
- Type
$ git clone
to create your local clone.- This will clone the repositoty into your local folder.
- Javascript
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This project is under the MIT licence:
Copyright (c) 2021 JOY L. KOLIA