A simple approach to PlopJS with first class TypeScript support and a one-line plopfile.
$ npm i plop dot-plop -D
Put plopfile.js
in your project directory:
module.exports = require('dot-plop')
- Create a new folder in your project directory called
. - Write your generators in TypeScript and put them in
. - We put our templates in
, but you can put them anywhere you like, just so your generators know where they are. - Write your helpers in TypeScript and put them in
. - Write your Inquirer prompts in TypeScript and put them in
. - Run
from the command line.
will auto discover your generators and helpers. They will have the
same name as their export name.
import { PlopGenerator } from 'plop'
export const units: PlopGenerator = {
description: 'Feature logic and API integrations',
prompts: [
type: 'input',
name: 'fileName',
message: 'unit name please',
actions: [
type: 'add',
path: 'src/units/{{dashCase fileName}}.ts',
templateFile: '.plop/templates/units/unit.ts.hbs',
type: 'add',
path: 'src/units/{{dashCase fileName}}.test.ts',
templateFile: '.plop/templates/units/unit.test.ts.hbs',