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SvelteKit Turbo Environment Variables Repro

The default Turbo environment variables patterns do not work in SvelteKit v2.0. Turbo has VITE_* for SvelteKit, but SvelteKit uses PUBLIC_* as the default prefix for public env vars.


Turbo framework inference should use PUBLIC_* as the default prefix for env vars. Framework inference documentation should stress that variables not included in the framework defaults or explicitly in turbo.json will not be available for the build.

There is no prefix for private env vars. SvelteKit default is that anything not prefixed with PUBLIC_ is private and can be used in routes. However, this means private env vars must be listed explicitly in turbo.json in the env array.



See this PR for an issue demo.

Follow these steps to demonstrate the issue.

  1. Run npx create-turbo@latest -e with-svelte
  2. Install @sveltejs/adapter-vercel and update svelte.config.js:
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-vercel';
import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte';

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
	// Consult
	// for more information about preprocessors
	preprocess: vitePreprocess(),
	kit: {
		// adapter-auto only supports some environments, see for a list.
		// If your environment is not supported or you settled on a specific environment, switch out the adapter.
		// See for more information about adapters.
		adapter: adapter()

export default config;
  1. Add environment variables to apps/web/.env (this file is not in source control):
  1. Import PUBLIC_ENV_VAR to apps/web/src/routes/+page.svelte:
<script lang="ts">
	import { PUBLIC_ENV_VAR } from '$env/static/public';
	import { MyCounterButton } from '@repo/ui';

	export let data;

<h1>Turbo Env Var Repro</h1>
<MyCounterButton />
<p>Environment variables:</p>
			PUBLIC_ENV_VAR: `Imported on the client from $env/static/public: ${PUBLIC_ENV_VAR}`
  1. Import SECRET_ENV_VAR to apps/web/src/routes/api/index.ts:
import { SECRET_ENV_VAR } from '$env/static/private';

export function load() {
	return {
		SECRET_ENV_VAR: `Loaded on the server from $env/static/private: ${SECRET_ENV_VAR}`
  1. Run pnpm dev in apps/web. Open in the browser. The env vars are displayed as expected.

  2. Deploy to Vercel. The build will fail with an error similar to:

web:build: error during build:
web:build: RollupError: "PUBLIC_ENV_VAR" is not exported by "virtual:$env/static/public", imported by "src/routes/+page.svelte".
web:build: file: /vercel/path0/apps/web/src/routes/+page.svelte:2:10
web:build: 1: <script lang="ts">
web:build: 2:   import { PUBLIC_ENV_VAR } from '$env/static/public';
web:build:               ^
web:build: 3:   import { env } from '$env/dynamic/public';
web:build: 4:   import { MyCounterButton } from '@repo/ui';
  1. Add PUBLIC_ENV_VAR and SECRET_ENV_VAR to the Vercel project settings UI. Redeploy the project. The build will fail with the same error.

  2. Update turbo.json to include PUBLIC_* and PRIVATE_* in the env array:

	"$schema": "",
	"tasks": {
		"build": {
			"dependsOn": ["^build"],
			"inputs": ["$TURBO_DEFAULT", ".env*"],
			"outputs": [".svelte-kit/**", ".vercel/**"],
			"env": ["PUBLIC_*", "SECRET_ENV_VAR"]
		"lint": {},
		"dev": {
			"cache": false,
			"persistent": true
  1. Redeploy to Vercel. The build will succeed.


  1. Discord thread:
  2. SvelteKit documentation for default env var prefixes:
    1. Config:
    2. Public:
    3. Private:
  3. Turbo docs for environment variables:
    1. Tasks must account for all env vars:
    2. Add env vars to turbo.json:
    3. Don't set env vars at runtime:
    4. Config docs: