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Releases: jacobbien/litr-project

litr 0.9.2

14 Jun 01:58
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Major changes

  • created draft_*() functions for more conveniently working from template
  • chunk references are formatted more nicely
  • litr::render() now has an argument fresh_session. Setting this to FALSE is useful for debugging a package since one can use debug() and browser() interactively

litr 0.9.0

17 Jun 15:09
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This release fixes an issue that arose when usethis version 2.2.0 was released.

Note: To create version 0.9.0 of litr (using version 0.8.0) required reverting to the previous released version of usethis:

remotes::install_github("r-lib/[email protected]")

Another notable change in this release is that litr::render() now has a fresh_session argument. Setting this to FALSE is convenient for debugging. This variable by default is TRUE, matching the previous behavior.

litr 0.8.0

03 May 05:14
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The main changes:

  • Added pkgdown link to packages-in-the-wild page
  • Avoid a litr::load_all() error that occurs when package is copied to a directory where it already exists
  • Fix a problem with reference chunk hyperlinks within bookdown
  • Give a nicer error message for nonexistent chunk references
  • Allow add_vignettes() to take non-rmd files (see #46)
  • Make RcppArmadillo work and add template (see #47)

litr 0.7.0

10 Jan 06:19
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The main changes:

  • add with_cleanup(), which ensures that litr hash gets written to DESCRIPTION file if an error occurs during rendering (see issues #34 and #35)
  • ANSI stuff to fix the way some devtools output is displayed (see issue #26)
  • add litr::load_all() and minimal_eval = TRUE option for better workflow (see issue #25)
  • fix skipped chunk behavior for when echo = FALSE and include = FALSE are used (see issue #29)

litr 0.6.0

06 Nov 03:54
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The main changes:

  • make pkgdown's docs/ live outside of package where github pages can find it
  • add send_to option to allow user to specify where code should go
  • fix "corrupt .rdb file" issue by unloading package before installing

litr 0.5.0

31 Oct 20:31
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The main changes:

  • use the new 0.4.0 functionality to include README, hex sticker, vignettes, and pkgdown.
  • refine pkgdown site
  • add basic-example.Rmd vignette to pkgdown
  • define custom output formats: litr_html_document, litr_pdf_document, and litr_gitbook (and litrify_output_format(), which is used by these).
  • rewrite add_*_hyperlinks() functions to accommodate multiple .html files (for the bookdown case)
  • rework litr::render() in light of the output formats and rewrite the description accordingly

litr 0.4.0

07 Oct 00:25
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The main changes from the previous version are the following:

  • Use the features in 0.0.3 within create-litr.Rmd
  • Add examples/ folder with the results of litr-knitting each template and create a table in the README
  • Add table of real R packages that use litr.
  • Knuth-style referencing of code chunks (in which <> does not get replaced with the actual code but rather becomes a link).
  • Functionality for adding "extras" such as a README, vignettes, a pkgdown site, and a package hex sticker.

Note: We changed the version numbering system from 0.0.x to 0.x.0 (previous releases should be thought of as 0.x.0)

litr 0.0.3

27 Jun 05:26
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The main changes from the previous version are the following:

  • Change criterion for a code block to be sent to the package as a test.
  • Call usethis::use_testthat() internally (when there is at least one test) so that it does not need to be in create-pkg.Rmd anymore.
  • Change how testing of litr is done so that correct version is tested. (This is a substantial change that slows down the render time of create-litr.Rmd.)
  • Add Rcpp functionality and a template.
  • Add package_doc language engine for creating package-level documentation.
  • Get rid of setup code chunk in skeleton.Rmd by moving this code into litr::render().
  • Be explicit about the version of litr used to render create-pkg.Rmd by including it in the DESCRIPTION. Also, make sure that the version of litr used when rendering create-litr.Rmd is from the latest release on github.

litr 0.0.2

31 May 22:23
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This is the first version of litr that was written using literate programming. The package is functionally equivalent to v0.0.1, but this time it was created using litr::render("create-litr.Rmd"). See README for more details.

litr 0.0.1

31 May 21:35
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This is the "progenitor" litr version. That is, it will be the last version of litr written in the traditional, non-literate-programming way. From now on, each subsequent version of litr will be the output of a call to litr::render() from the previous version. This will allow us to use literate programming (and in particular litr) for litr.