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Form Control, Checker & Validation Input Plugins

Getting Started

controlChecker is plugins that you can use for checking data to server, controling input form with Smart Grouping and prevent clicking submit when a form did'nt all clear from error/warning/danger state, and it has awsome validation input types, specially for email.

How To Use

  • Load css & js file
  • Init plugins



<input type="text" class="check">



By default it will check if input value and lenght of value. If input value is empty then it will invok empty state and if lenght value is < 1 or less then minlength attribut then invok the error state.

Minlength and Maxlength atribut

<input type="text" class="check" minlength="6" maxlength="6">

By default it will read minleght and maxlength for example you need input for pin number but number only will allowed. So add a class digit

<input type="text" class="check digit" minlength="6" maxlength="6">

Another class
Class Name Description Input State Output
textlowercase Change text to lower case LOWER TEXT lower text
textuppercase Change text to upper case upper teXt UPPER TEXT
textcapitalcase Change text to init case init TEXT Init Text
Email Validation

<input type="email" class="check"> or <input type="text" name="your_email" class="check"> or <input type="text" name="abc" data-type="email" class="check">

Email validation has 3 ways to use it. First using a type email,the second way is using a name attribut which contains email and the last is using data atribut data-type="email".

Allowed Charakter Allowed Email Format
[alphabet], [numeric], [at], [dot], [underscore], [hyphen] Google & Yahoo Format
Input Result
[email protected] true
[email protected] true
[email protected] true
[email protected] false
[email protected] false
[email protected] false
[email protected] true
[email protected] true
[email protected] true
[email protected] false
[email protected] false
[email protected] false
[email protected] true
[email protected] true
[email protected] false
[email protected] true
[email protected] false
[email protected] false
[email protected] false
[email protected] false
[email protected] false
[email protected] false false
controlchecker1@[email protected] false
[email protected] false
[email protected] false


Option Name Option Rule Option Value Default Description
modal enabled true or false true Set plugin active even inside modal
id String myModal Set id modal
cssFramework No Rule Boostrap or SUI Boostrap Set supported smart grouping in css framework
formId String null Set supported smart grouping in form with specified id. By default will support with all form if not reset this option
changes class String has-changes Set class when value is change
showText true or false false Set text condition will show or hide
text String Berganti Text change value condition
success class String has-success Set class when return value is success after checking to server
showText true or false true Set text success will show or hide
text String Tersedia Text success value condition
warning class String has-warning Set class when return value is not success after checking to server
showText true or false true Set text warning will show or hide
text String Sudah Terpakai Text warning value condition
empty class String has-empty Set class when input field less then 1 charakter
showText true or false true Set text empty will show or hide
text String Tidak Boleh Kosong Text empty value condition
error class String has-error Set class input length less then minlength attribut or more then maxlength attribut or ajax return error
showText true or false true Set text error will show or hide
text String Masih Kurang Text success value condition
secondText String Karakter Second text success value condition
match class String has-unmatch Set class when matching fields are not match
showText true or false true Set text unmatch will show or hide
unmatchText String Belum Sama Text when unmatch return result
matchText String Text when matching return result
matchThisId String null Set match input id
matchToId String null Set matching to input id
unsuit class String has-unsuit Set class when email input field format not allowed
showText true or false true Set text unsuit will show or hide
text String Tidak Boleh Kosong Formatnya Belum Sesuai
parentClass String form-group Set class for smart grouping
icon enabled true or false true Set icon class to show or hide
position before or after before Set icon position before or after text
success String fa fa-check Success icon
warning String fa fa-bell-o Warning icon
empty String fa fa-info Empty icon
error String fa fa-info-circle Error icon
unmatch String fa fa-exclamation-circle Unmatch icon
unsuit String fa fa-exclamation Unsuit icon
ajax url String null Set url for ajax (checking data to server)
type get or post get Set method transfer data for ajax (checking data to server)
errorText String Gagal Melakukan Ajax Set output text when ajax return error
chained enabled true or false false Set enable ajax do checking with chained to other input field and send this (value and name) data to server for checking purpose with current input was invoked
id String null set a chained id input tag for checking data to server
activeOnId String null Set tag input id who will trigger chained id for checking purpose
Option Name Option Rule Option Value Default Description

Check Data To Server

In html area add data atribute withname data-table with value table name who will be using for checking

<input type="email" class="check" name="email" minlength="6" maxlength="50 data-table="users">"


$('.check').controlChecker({ ajax: { url: '', // url for check the data type: 'post' } });

Server Side Checking
In this example will use PHP and must return a json object with key name is "exists" and the return value is boolean (true or false). So if in the database have same value as user new input value, the return is true that mean the input value are not available (exists = true) else return (exists = false) that mean input are available. NB: remember field are name in input atribute, and table are from data-table atribut who has give in html code. return format allowed are json only with key name exists and boolean return value.

`<?php if (isset($_POST['field']) && isset($_POST['table']) && isset($_POST['value'])) {

// $field = strtolower(trim($_POST['field'])); // $value = strtolower(trim($_POST['value'])); // $table = strtolower(trim($_POST['table'])); // $output = ['exists' => false]; // json format key exists and give false value before checking

// your query like "SELECT COUNT(*) as c_data FROM " . {$table} . " WHERE " . {$field} . " = " . {$value}. ";

// bla bla bla until result of your query lets store in variable called $rest

// example $rest = DB::getInstance()->get('COUNT(*) c_data', $table, array($field, '=', $value))->result();

$output['exists'] = $rest->c_data ? true : false;
echo json_encode($output);
return false;


Chained Checking

What it is mean? Chained Checking is for check data but will be check to others field too. For example we need some informations about users bank accound id. In normally case a user bank account have unique number but that only happen in the same bank, how about others bank? There a posibility a user have same account number but the bank is difference. So chakned checking will use for that purpose.
First input is bank id

<input type="text" name="bank_code" class="check" data-table="banks" id="bank_code">

Seccond input is bank account

<input type="text" name="bank_account" class="check" data-table="users" id="bank_account">


$('.check').controlChecker({ ajax: { url: '', // url for check the data type: 'post' }, chained: { enabled: true, id: 'bank_code', // input bank code id activeOnId: 'bank_account' // input bank account id } });

Server Side Checking

`<?php if (isset($_POST['field']) && isset($_POST['table']) && isset($_POST['value']) && isset($_POST['prevColumnName']) && isset($_POST['prevColumnValue'])) { $field = strtolower(trim($_POST['field'])); $value = strtolower(trim($_POST['value'])); $table = strtolower(trim($_POST['table'])); $chainedField = strtolower(trim($_POST['prevColumnName'])); // chained field name $chainedValue = strtolower(trim($_POST['prevColumnValue'])); // chained field value $output = ['exists' => false]; // json format key exists and give false value before checking

// your query like "SELECT COUNT(*) as c_data FROM " . {$table} . " WHERE " . {$field} . " = " . {$value}. " AND " . {$chainedField} . " = " . {$chainedValue}";

$output['exists'] = $rest->c_data ? true : false;
echo json_encode($output);
return false;


Updated Doc 4/9/2018. Other Doc On Progress


Form Control, Checker & Validation Input Plugins







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