Author: @Jagadeesh C
All about Javascript datastructures.
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Single Test
macOS: ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha test/algorithms/sorting/
Windows: npm run test:single .\test\algorithms\sorting\bubble_sort.test.js
- Count odd and even elements
- Sum of the elements in the array
- Largest element in the array
- Largest and smallest element in the array
- Reverse the array
- Search an element in the array
- Sum of 2d array
- Print the Linked List in Reverse Order
- Get Nth node from the last
- Detect the loop in the linked list
- Reverse the linked list
- Get Nth Node of the Linked List
- Find the Middle Node of the Linked List [Using Loop]
- Find the Middle Node of the Linked List [Using Slow & Fast Pointers]
- Implement two stacks in an array[Method 1]
- Implement two stacks in an array[Method 2]
- Reverse a string using Stack
- Check if the given expression is balanced or not
- Introduction to Infix Prefix Postfix expressions
- Evaluate the postfix expression using Stack
- Find Minimum Value in BST
- Find Sizeof() BST
- Find Maximum Depth or Height of BST
- Mirror of the Tree
- Same Tree
- Double Tree
- Check if a binary tree is BST or not
- Check if an array is a subset of another array
String length
Count vowels in a string
Compare two strings problem
String copy
Concatenate two strings
Lower and upper problem
Reverse the string - Method 1
Reverse the string - Method 2
Palindrome of the string
Find equal or not using bitwise
Find odd or even using bitwise
Swap two numbers using bitwise
Count set bits in an integer
Clear the rightmost set bit of a number
Brian Kernighan’s Algorithm (Count set bits)
Enable nth bit of a number
Check nth bit is set or unset
Disable nth bit of a number
Toggle nth bit of a number
Check if a number is a power of 2
Check if the number has alternate bit pattern
Find the odd occuring numbers using bitwise
Two Single Numbers
Find the Missing Number
Introduction recursion & basic rules
How recursion works [Factorial of a Number]
Stack overflow in recursion
Changing iterative function to recursive function
Recursion vs Iteration
Types of recursion
Tail recursion
Head recursion
Nested recursion
Binary or Tree recursion
Indirect recursion
Why Tail Recursion is Efficient? - Part1
Why Tail Recursion is Efficient? - Part2
Sum of natural numbers
Decimal to binary conversion
Modulo operation
Find string length
Reverse a string
Check if a string is a Palindrome
Count vowels in a string
Sum of numbers in a singly linked list
Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K
Smallest Subarray with a given sum
Pair with Target Sum
Remove all occurrences of an element from Array
Move all zeros to the end
Remove duplicates from sorted array
Remove duplicates(at most twice) from sorted array
Middle of the Linked List
Linked List Loop
Length of Linked List Loop
Start of Linked List Loop
Happy Number
Cyclic Sort
Find the Duplicate Number
Find the Missing Number
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
Level Order Successor
Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree
Binary Tree Path Sum
Print Paths in a Tree
All Paths for a Sum
Single Number
Two Single Numbers
Reverse the Linked List
Reverse the Sublist
Reverse Every K Nodes of a Linked List
Top K Numbers using Max Heap
Top K Numbers using Min Heap
Kth Smallest Number
K Closest Points to the Origin
Connect N Ropes with Minimum Cost
Introduction to Dynamic Programming
Implementation of Nth Fibonacci: Bottom-Up approach
Implementation of Nth Fibonacci: To-Down Approach with Memoization
Memoization: Avoid Recomputation Issue in Top-Down Approach
Characteristics of Dynamic Programming
Knapsack Problem Introduction
0-1 Knapsack
Longest Common Subsequence
Longest Common Substring
Minimum number of jumps to reach end
Convert one string to another using minimum number of operations
Count number of ways to reach n'th stair
Cutting a rod to maximise profit
- What is Binary Search?
- Implementation of Binary Search
- Time and Space Complexity Analysis
- Find in Mountain Array
- Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- Sqrt(x) using Binary Search
- Peak Index in a Mountain Array
- Binary Search using Divide and Conquer Strategy
- Search Insert Position of K in a Sorted Array
- Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
- Find the Number of Occurrences of an Element in a Sorted Array
- Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
- Search in Row Wise Column Wise Sorted Matrix
Find positive or negative number
Absolute value of a number
Odd or Even Problem
Swap two numbers
Sum of Natural Numbers
Sum of Natural Numbers Method 2
Factor of a Number
Split numbers into digits
Sum of digits
Reverse a number
Palindrome number
Armstrong number
Fibonacci series
Prime number
Perfect number