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Tags: jan-warchol/sensible-dotfiles



Merge Mac OSX compatibility fixes into 'master'

  OSX compatibility: don't use long ls options (fix #10)
  Only set autocd when Bash is new enough
  Prompt: check for __git_ps1, not git (fix #8)
  OSX compatibility: use mv -i (fix #7)
  Change color escape sequence for OSX compatibility (fix #6)
  Only use --group-directories-first if it's available (fix #9)
  OSX compatibility - use .bash_profile
  Fix another installation bug on Mac
  Fix bug in installation script on Mac OSX


Merge branch 'devel' into 'master'

  Vim: hlsearch, replace suggested q map with leader
  Installation: remove unneeded --backup
  SSH config: don't timeout connections
  Sensible.vim: licensing note, move description
  Git: color modified files in yellow
  Profile: wrap if into one line
  Bashrc: seriously trim down comments
  Prompt: always use space as a separator


Vim: add simple .vimrc and mention sensible.vim


Merge branch 'devel' into 'master'

  Don't use less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS by default (fix #3)
  README: update links, reword, mention new features
  Vagrant: install dotfiles on vagrant boxes by default
  Don't require git for installation nor prompt
  Automatically change current dir after exiting ranger
  ls: use --group-directories-first by default
  Move all bash settings into .bashrc
  Move git configuration to conventional location
  Fix 'alert' alias definition again


Merge branch 'architecture-simplification'


Prompt: add note about color codes in different palettes


README: mention ranger and trash-cli


Git logs: don't use "git lu" as the base for other logs

The problem with "git lu" is that it will include currently checked-out
branch and it's upstream even if called with another branch argument.

It would be best to have a command that logs only a specified branch
with that branch's upstream, AND use current branch as the default,
but I didn't manage to do that yet.


Add --verbose flag to git commit aliases