Breaking Changes and Major Updates
- moving markdown to its own property called content by @jaredwray in #277
- frontmatter management built in #280 including helper properties such as
that will give you just the markdown and not frontMatter. - caching now built in so you dont have to worry about performance on rendering
- Deprecated support for Nodejs 18 and now supporting 20+
- Added in
async and sync functions
What's Changed
- moving ts-node to devDependency by @jaredwray in #266
- removing processor from unified as not used by @jaredwray in #267
- Upgrading to support nodejs 20 and 22. dropping nodejs 18 by @jaredwray in #268
- upgrading xo to 0.59.3 by @jaredwray in #269
- upgrading vitest to 2.0.5 by @jaredwray in #270
- upgrading typescript and webpack to lastest by @jaredwray in #271
- upgrading unified to 11.0.5 by @jaredwray in #272
- upgrading docula to 0.9.0 by @jaredwray in #273
- upgrading remark-emoji to 5.0.1 by @jaredwray in #274
- upgrading rehype-katex to 7.0.1 by @jaredwray in #275
- upgrading html-react-parser to 5.1.15 by @jaredwray in #276
- BREAKING CHANGE - moving markdown to its own property by @jaredwray in #277
- updating readme with new changes on markdown by @jaredwray in #278
- Caching for markdown rendering by @jaredwray in #279
- frontmatter by @jaredwray in #280
- save and load file functions by @jaredwray in #281
Full Changelog: v3.2.3...v4.0.0