Forked from Going to try and revive this.
A simple Trackimo integration for Home Assistant. Allows you to see where your Trackimo devices are.
source_type: gps
battery_level: 99
latitude: -27.468030
longitude: 153.039900
gps_accuracy: 100
altitude: 60
bearing: null
speed: null
mps: null
timestamp: 1570775634
address: Brisbane River, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
country: Australia
city: Brisbane City
state: Queensland
region: null
street: Brisbane River
attribution: Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.
age: 31349542
friendly_name: My Car
icon: mdi:map-marker-radius
If this helps you, or you are just generous. I do love coffee.
- Get all Trackimo Devices
- Track Them
Add the integration.
Supply your Trackimo Username and Passowrd
Once connected, your Trackimo devices will appear as device_tracker.device_name
PR's are more than welcome either to the HACS component or the Trackimo Library.
@hwikene for Norwegian translation