This project was bootstrapped with Spring Initializr
Recipe Stash API is RESTful API that allows an authenticated user to add, retrieve, update, and delete recipes.
This API is built using Spring Boot. You can find the React front-end repo here
- You'll need to acquire an API key from Spoonacular API in order to extract recipes details from web pages & parse ingredients.
- This app uses OAuth2 and with Google as the provider. Go to to add the appropriate permissions for your app and to get your client ID and client secret.
Make sure you have Java installed!
Grab your favorite Java IDE, I used IntelliJ for this project.
Fork my repo and clone it!
The easiest way to install PostgreSQL on Mac is via
For Windows, checkout EDB and download the latest version.
Once installed, open up the terminal and type in psql
. This allows you to access the terminal-based front-end to PostgreSQL. Check out the documentation for more info.
We need to create a database to hook up with spring boot. Then grant privileges to yourself and postgres.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "recipe" TO <insert username>;
I named my database recipe, if you change the name, make sure to update the applications.yaml
url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/recipe
At this stage, you should be able to run the program without any issue. You won't be able to interact with the backend because of the security implemented. If you'd like to interact with it, check out the React front-end I made for it!
GET /recipes
List all recipes in the currently logged in user's library
GET /recipes/:recipeId
Show details for a single recipe by ID
POST /recipes
Add a new recipe to the currently logged in user's library. Requires a request body that contains the recipe JSON.
POST /recipes?url=
Add a new recipe via URL to the currently logged in user's library. Requires a Request Paramater that contains the recipe URL. This method will make a behind the scenes request to the Spoonacular API to extract recipe details in the form JSON.
PUT /recipes/:recipeId
Update an existing recipe of the currently logged in user. Requires a request body that contains the recipe JSON.
PUT /recipes/:recipeId?favorite=true
Update whether the recipe has been favorited or unfavorited
DELETE /recipes/:recipeId
Deletes a recipe by the recipe ID
GET /ingredients?ingredients="1/2 cup Almonds \n 1/4 cup soy sauce"
Parse ingredients strings into ingredient objects. This uses the Spoonacular API to parse the data. Each ingredient in the string but be separated by a new line character.
For more information about this please check out this OAuth Spring Boot tutorial from CalliCoder.
GET /user/me
Returns the currently logged in user.
For more information about this please check out this OAuth Spring Boot tutorial from CalliCoder.
POST /login
Authenticates user and logs them in.
POST /signup
Creates a new user and logs the user in.
To better understand the implementation of OAuth2 and security with Spring Boot for this project, please checkout this tutorial & repository by Rajeev Singh at CalliCoder.
Introduction to Spring Boot by Amigoscode
Spring JPA Tutorial by Amigoscode