Converts individual content MathML elements to equivalent XQuery statements in DB2 dialect.
The content MathML elements may be given as
- MathWebSearch expressions,
- annotation-xml elements with the attribute
, - semantic elements, or
- MathML tags that contain content MathML only
If a document contains multiple elements, only the first MathWebSearch expression is processed.
If no MathWebSearch element is available, the first annotation-xml element will be used.
If no annotation-xml Math element is available, the first semantic element will be used.
Both qvar formats <qvar xmlns="" />x</qvar>
<qvar xmlns="" name="x" />
are supported.
The NtcirTopicReader class supports parsing of queries specified in the NTCIR topic format . The expected input is a DOMDocuement and the result is a List of NtcirPattern instances that include the XQuery expressions.